Seed of Affection

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Chapter 10

“You should eat something.”

Yuna grimaced, turning away from the food, one of Sasuke's new teammates had prepared. It wasn't that she wasn't starving, or that the food didn't smell delicious. It was just that her stomach nausea had struck again.

The last thing she wanted to do was eat, even if her stomach cried for it. It was all a nasty trick just so she'd throw up again. She heard a familiar sigh, that she knew belonged to the raven behind her, but did not turn to face him. He had the temptation in his hand.

A silent moan of agony left the kitsune, as she cuddled further into her cloak. Damn Ibiki and whatever meal he'd fed her. Wasn't food poisoning only supposed to last a day? Even a 24 hour bug should have passed by now. What was wrong with her.

Yuna was yanked from her thoughts, suddenly finding herself being forced to sit up, by none other than her eternal rival. He gave her a somewhat genuine smile. One she loathed so much because of its resemblance to her late husbands. She used to see it everyday. Now she only saw it on the face of her enemy.

“Come on.” He put an arm around her shoulders, keeping her from moving back to the ground. “You don't have to eat a lot, just some crackers.”

She sent him a glare, if she got sick after this, she'd make sure it landed on him. That would convince him to leave her alone. The kyuubi growled softly,baring her fangs halfheartedly at the Uchiha.

Sitting not far from them, Karin was chewing on her chop sticks, giving the crimsonette evil glares. That was her Sasuke, how dare she touch him. He should be feeding her not that tramp, he should be looking at her not the demon. Apparently not all her thoughts were to herself as Suigetsu caught some, the boy sitting a few feet to her left.

“Shut up already, it's exhausting listening to your complaining.”

The Uzumaki turned her glare on him. “My complaining?! You're the one who is always asking for a break and whining about being tired! Maybe if you dropped the damn sword you wouldn't be so tired!”

“Yeah, well if you weren't so focused Sasuke, maybe we'd actually have some peace and quiet, instead of you always squealing and giggling!” The swordsman retort.

“Maybe if you left the team their would be some peace and quiet!”

The two were nearly nose to nose now, both too caught up in their argument to notice a very annoyed looking Uchiha standing over them.

“Weren't you supposed to leave the team after we found Juugo? I don't see anyone stopping you!” Suigetsu said, shoving her a little.

Karin was about to unleash a nasty response, when they seemed to notice the lack of light above them. The two teammates glanced up almost hesitantly, to find two blazing sharingan eyes glowering down at them.

“Well bravo, you got his attention!” The jagged toothed teen hissed, glaring at the maroon haired girl beside him.

“Quiet. It's aggravating enough that I have to put up with the both of you complaining daily, I don't need to listen to your stupid arguments.” The Uchiha growled, his hand on his katana. Threatening to take the blade out if they didn't quit.

Karin, being Karin, blushed slightly, adjusting her glasses as she looked to the side. “Angry Sasuke looks hot too..”

Suigetsu rolled his eyes at her comment, getting to his feet. “There you go acting like you're the boss again.” He grumbled, moving to a couple feet away and resting against a tree.

The Uchiha sighed, returning to Yuna's side. She would have been amused by the mini-argument, but she was a little busy. Eating the crackers Sasuke had given her, she was starving, and her will had given in to hunger.


They were so annoying, they moved so slow, they were too loud, and he would not leave her alone! Even now, when they were supposed to be sleeping, he was there, beside her. Much too close for the demon to allow herself to sleep.

His breath was cool against her neck, making her fur stand on end. She would have lashed out at him by now, if not for the familiarity that stopped her.

Yuna wrapped herself in her arms, her tails curling, as she imagined it was Itachi holding her instead. She missed him so terribly, and here she was not a foot from his murderer. She shuddered, curling into a ball.

She wasn't safe, even if the younger Uchiha was under orders, he still wanted her dead, the evidence was clear on her chest. The kitsune froze, feeling a hand touch her shoulder.

“Yuna, are you alright?” His smooth voice questioned, centimeters from her ear, his breath ruffling her fur. “Are you having a nightmare?”

The kyuubi didn't reply, she couldn't. Tears had come before she'd realized they'd even formed. It was all she could do to keep from crying out loud and alerting the raven of her torn state. She felt his body move, pressing up against her back.


She shrunk away from his touch, feeling sick from his presence, she just wanted to be alone with the memory of her lover. “G-get away...” She whispered, tears clear in her voice.

“You're... crying?” Sasuke's voice was filled with shock and confusion, as though he couldn't believe it.

Yuna bit her lip, trying to hold in all the emotions bubbling up inside her. They wanted to get out, they wanted to make things right again.


She couldn't hold them in any longer. She need to feel again, she needed that safety. The demon turned, before Sasuke could even comprehend what was happening, her face was burrowed into his shirt, ignoring the surprised gasp that left him.

“Mah. Don't say anything. Just sleep.” She hissed, muffled by his chest.

Sasuke blushed a little, hesitantly wrapping his arms around the nine tails. She, in return, cuddled into his embrace, allowing herself to succumb to sleep. Her tears still fresh on his torso and her eyelashes.

Damn, why did he have to remind her so much of the fallen raven. It just made her miss him more.

The living Uchiha glanced down at his former teammate, she looked so peaceful now, all traces of stress gone from her features. Her tails curled gently around their legs, almost pulling them together. Her ears drooped slightly as she snuggled up against him.

He'd almost forgotten how much more prominent her whisker like markings had become, and the black shadow markings over her eyelids. They made her red eyes look even larger when they were open. He sighed, letting himself relax with her.

He couldn't help but wonder what had drawn her to his brother, or what had drawn the fallen man to her. Had the Akatsuki had a hand in it? Or had their love bloomed like any other seed of affection? Was it to ensure her loyalty to the organization?

Or had Itachi purposely used her as a means to weaken him before their fight? After all, his brother had known of his rivaling obsession with the crimson demon. Sasuke had wanted to learn everything he could about her, hoping to find a weakness that would grant him victory in their spar matches.

The raven sighed again. “How could you have fallen for him...?” He asked quietly.

He got no response, not that he expected one. Yuna was already off in dreamland.

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