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Chapter 16

Something was horribly wrong. She wasn't sure what it was, but her gut told her something unfathomable was happening. And she didn't need the sudden wave of nausea to tell her she was right.

Somewhere, outside this place, something bad was happening. She could feel it in the very marrow of her bones. She felt like a small part of her was dying, like someone was ripping something out of her. Though what it was, she had no idea.

Yuna grimaced, her body bent over the porcelain bowl of the bathroom toilet once again. She couldn't wait for this to be over. How long were women normally pregnant?

She had no idea. No one had ever given her any kind of talk. Even Mebuki had never talked about how long she'd been pregnant with Sakura. It wasn't a subject that had ever come up.

She could only imagine the look on the two's faces when they found out. If they ever found out. The kitsune could imagine their disappointment. But she had married the father, so it wasn't like the baby was a result of a one-night-stand.

Tears formed in Yuna's crimson orbs as she thought of her adopted family in Konoha. Could she even call them that anymore? Sakura seemed to have been willing to fight her before she left. They hadn't used the calling scroll she'd given them either.

Her stomach relaxing, for the time being, she sat down on the cool tile. Her back leaning against the wall of the glass shower door behind her. Had they chosen to give up on her?

She really was a lost cause after all. She'd set out to destroy the leaf and everyone who had treated her badly as a child. Now look at her, three or four years later, she hadn't accomplished either one.

She didn't even really care about them anymore, she just wanted to kill the two men that had turned her life into a living Hell. Tobi and Sasuke, both men she held responsible for Itachi's death.

The kyuubi sighed, glancing up at the door, as the knob turned. The maroon cloak that entered, told her which of her two caretakers it was.

"Kabuto." She greeted him with a nod, her voice a little scratchy.

He smiled down at her, pulling his hood down, as he knelt down to her level. "These should help with the nausea. Hopefully we'll be able to get some food into you." He said, holding out two small oval pills.

She eyed them skeptically, but swallowed them in hopes of a relief from her morning sickness. She'd need all her strength to leave this place. Especially if she was going to fight her other captor to do it.

The red head was about to bow her thanks, but a sudden pain in her chest stopped her. She gasped, her hand flying up to where her two scars resided over her heart. Something was definitely wrong, it felt like it had the morning she woke up to find Itachi gone.

A sudden urgency in her need to leave, the demon forced herself onto her feet. "I need to go."

"But you don't have the strength to travel. Please Kyuubi, just wait a few more days." Kabuto demanded, trying to reason with her.

"No. Something terrible has happened. This kyuubi must go, or it could be too late. Mah.." She said the last part in a hushed tone, making her way out into the hall.

"Be rational, Yuna. You're in no condition to go off on your own." The snake like man said, steppinShe knew he was serious when he used her real name, but ignored it.

"I'll have to be." She replied, brushing past him.

She want into her room, and gathered up her bag and cloak. She couldn't stay here any longer. The pain in her chest told her she needed to leave, no matter what.

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