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Ophelia's POV
(don't be a silent reader<3)

"Why the fuck did he do that?" Lili jumps out of her seat and yells out of frustration.

"Seriously?" Bria follows her by screaming even louder.

We are at the ice hockey match, watching our college team play with opponents from the other college.

The thing is that the new player on our team Cade Mason is a fucking scumbag. He maliciously didn't pass the puck to Arden and that's how they lost a good chance to score.

"Go to hell motherfucker" I hear someone yell behind me.

I agree with them. He needs to go to hell.

Our team never had problems playing as a team before, but now after he joined the team everything just collapsed.

It feels like they are now playing as individuals but not as a team.

I see Arden throwing his stick on the ice all pissed. Yelling something to Cade, who ignores him and skates away.

This is getting out of hand.

Dareen slides towards his best friend. He tries to calm down Arden.

"I would fucking punch the shit out of him right now" Bria's fingers firmly clenched into fists as she holds anger inside of her.

"Take a seat" I tell my friends. "We still have a chance to score" they sit down.

"I hope so" Lili observes the situation happening on the rink.

"We just need this jerk Cade to sit on the bench for the rest of the game" Bria madly looks at Cade who's drinking his water before coming back on the ice again.

"Fuck" she mouths.

We watch the rest of the game in indescribable tension. Praying for our team to score.

"Look" Lili points to Dareen who's passing the puck to Arden.

Arden skates toward the goal of the opposing team. Koen and Dareen are playing their defending roles.

We stop breathing.

This is so close to a goal.

Seconds suddenly became minutes and Arden finally scored a goal.

"Yes! Yes! Fucking yes!" I catch myself screaming.

"Holy shit!" Lili and Bria are jumping from the happiness of our college team's goal.

"We won!" a whole crowd of students from our college is cheering for our hockey team.

"Our boys did it!" Lili pulls me and Bria into a group hug.

"I'm so hella happy right now" our hug lasts probably forever of how much excitement we feel.

These kinds of moments let me forget about the struggles waiting for me, when I'll be by myself.


Arden's POV

"Yeeeh boys we did it!" my teammates are yelling after we won a match.

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