Chapter 33 (comfort?)

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Katsuki sighed. Currently, the villain was finding the courage to speak about his dream. For some reason, he just couldn't find the courage. He felt far too vulnerable for his liking, It wasn't like him.

''You call me early in the morning, and you agree to meet up, but you can't even tell me what it was about'' Katsuki spoke a little taken aback. He was more than happy to be patient, but the villain practically brought him here for nothing if he wasn't going to tell i about the dream.

Once again, not wanting to pressure the villain.

''I will tell you, but first, having you here is quite a distraction'' The villain confessed causing the blond to open his mouth in attempt to say something, but it failed, he closed it again.

''Really?'' Katsuki questioned as he smirked. Their relationship was quite interesting.

Their first interaction wasn't the best, but they were quite close since then. ''Yes really'' the villain answered, looking at the blond, his eyes met the males and Katsuki's met his.

The tension was there, just looking into eachothers eyes was tense. They didn't want to look away, yet someone had to.

Katsuki did.

''I had a nightmare of my past'' The villain shared, looking away as his eyes wondered off far into the distance. Katsuki approached Deku to a closer distance. ''You know...just my quirk'' The villain mumbled under his breath.

The blond listened in, although he was unaware of the males past, he felt bad, he was clearly being effected, and not in a positive way, it was taking a toll on him.

Deku let his head fall, resting as his hair slowly fell on all sides. He was beat.

''What about your quirk?'' The male asked confused.

He was concerned.

The wind was blowing, it wasn't too agressive it was quite subtle. They continued to stay outdoors in the calming wind and weather.

The blond couldn't lie, he knew who this was, he knew and he remembered, and no matter what he was going to remember. He just wnated the vilain to remmber, he didn't want to be the person to remind the male. So he acted like nothing.

He placed a comforting hand on the males back, seeing how much smaler his hand was on the males back, and he smiled.

Katsuki wasn't one to emotionally connect with people, but he just couldn't help Izuku...

Deku displayed his hands out in view of his face, opening his palms staring into them as he frowned. He was angry at himself, if only he could control his quirk he would have become what he wanted to be.

In reality the only thoughs he remembered was having Blue and yellow figurines that he was shoving in a bag in fury and tears. Those were the only memories he could bring up.

Once he was looking up to the Hero, but now the Hero was n enemy and someone the villain wanted to look down upon. 

''if only i was able to control it, maybe i wouldn't be here'' The villain spoke, hating himself even more. The villain wasn't happy with himsef.

Most of the villains had a past, they had a past the heroes were unaware about, and they were being judged by what they had done, and things they had done. Instead of the reason why they had done it.

However, that's how it always was, people would look at the smaller picture, instead of the bigger picture, or sometimes there was no bigger picture to look at.

The blond couldn't really eply much, once again he wasn't one to do with comfort.

It was okay though, because that's all the villain needed. The villain turned on his heel as he wrapped his arms around the blond, allowing himself the comfort he needed.

Deku wasn't the type to seek for comfort, but then again, he wasn't in the best of his moods, therefore here he was. Hugging the blond. Hugging a Hero.

Who would have thought, a Hero and a villain don't go together, but they seemed to just click, they seemed to just miss eachother, they seemed to just be compatible enough.

So many times, What about the kidnapped Hero?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora