Chapter 32 (Temptation)

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The wind blew and the blond was sat, waiting. He hated waiting, yet there he was, sat on a wooden bench, waiting until he was approached, but he was enveloped in silence and the only thing that comforted him was the light, the trees blowing and once again like said, the wind.

Katsuki got here rather early, and he knew he was there early, yet he didn't want to get there on the dot, he didn't want to be a second late or a minute. He approved being there on time, or before.

Allowing his device to leave the entrapment of his pocket he glanced at the time before sighing, he was still too early. He sat, and waited, he zoned out and waited. He waited.

''Hello?'' A voice spoke causing Katsuki to glance up and find the source of the voice. It was a male with a large hoodie, a black hat that held piercings on the edge, and with that his eyes focused on the blond.

"Hi" Katsuki recognised this man. This villain. "Come with me" The villain orders, causing Katsuki to frown. He hated being told what to do, but he also agreed that he'd meet with Deku.

He followed the villain, having a few eyes cast upon the two of them. They were quite an odd sight, but no one said a thing.

Once the two reached to a place of secrecy, the blond once again  disappeared within thin air.. he was gone.

Just like that Katsuki was familiarised with his surroundings. He found himself glancing around before he caught a glimpse of the villain, which he hesitated before he approached. The villains was staring into the distance, outside the glass.

"You should get some fresh air" Katsuki began, smiling as the villain turned around. He still decided to wear that mask.

"Hmm, why don't me and you both?" The villain replied with a question for the Hero, which the Hero couldn't resist and with that he nodded, approving the idea.

The villain stood up, and even fron a distance he managed to overpower the blond with his height. He walked towards the blond, stopping before him, and even with the mask the male could tell he had a smile painted on his face.

Katsuki didn't back away, he stood and stared before the villain stepped closer...and closer...

Their bodies touched, their eyes met, and just the had the blond noticed the villains eyes. It wasn't all the time he was able to see the green villains eyes. They were odd.

However, as the villain noticed the sudden eye contact, he couldn't help but look away, and break their intimacy. "Let's go.." The villain ordered.

This time, the blond couldn't help but obey, the villains voice was soft, yet demanding.

They made their way through the dark interior, with gorgeous blue lit torches before they reached the exit, leaving the large hidden base and with that being met with gorgeous greenery.

Surrounding them were trees, thousands of trees, that reached, flowers all colours of the rainbow, the grass that was growing, vivid and healthy. Surprisingly.

The fresh air was needed, which the villain couldn't help but inhale a large breath before he exhaled. "Maybe without the mask?" The blond suggests to only gain a hearty chuckle from the villain.

"You wish" The villain replied before the two stood in silence. Even if the two were stood In silence it wasn't as if it was awkward for the two, it was quite calming, they haven't been able to catch up but they were going to. "I won't look" the Hero negotiated.

Deku turned his head to look at the male, and he did, he could tell the hero wasn't joking about it. "Fine look away" The villain mumbled as Katsuki smiled before turning away.

There was silent shuffling before there was a much audible and light inhale and exhale that cane from the villain. The blond couldn't lie, the temptation was strong. To just turn and take a look at the villains identity, he wanted to be right...about who this was, yet the mystery kept him going.

So many times, What about the kidnapped Hero?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz