Chapter 25

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Surrounding Katsuki was a gorgeous dark place, However, before him was a gorgeous waterfall, a mountain had been beginning to tower over him, but he felt no sort of fear. The water that was splashing gently and gliding over the rocks that were situated under and in the water.

A gorgeous blue glistened from the water as it shined, lighting up the dark.

He had no words.

This felt odd, but the place allowed a sense of peace of comfort run over the blond

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This felt odd, but the place allowed a sense of peace of comfort run over the blond.

Walking towards the masked villain, Katsuki got on his knees and letting his hand do the same that the villain was doing. 

Now as their silence was shared, it was no longer awkward, but beautiful like the place they were situated in.

''This is my favourite place'' the villain shared as he took his hand out, the water began dripping from his had and onto the bright green grass. Katsuki looked at the masked villain, he seemed to notice the change in the mood and a smiled painted his face.

''It's beautiful'' he shared as the villain nodded. He never knew he would be taken to the villains favourite place, and he wasn't complaining, it was a sight to see. ''It is..but it holds.. certain treasures that i'm slowly letting go'' The blond looked into the water, seeing his figure slowly begin to mirror himself and he the villain.

''Such as?'' The blond attempted to pry, which lead to silence before the masked villains deep voice caused a silent echo.


Slowly the smaller male was walking with his hand in his mothers, the smell of earth itself seemed to answer where he was, but his exact destination, he was unable to work out. ''Mama where are we?''  As quiet as it already was, he wanted answers.

''We're almost there'' she sniffled through the cold. The night was quite cold causing the smaller male to himself sniffle in return, even the jacket he wore didn't protect him from the deadly cold. It was biting him as he walked.

The hand that he held was frost bitingly cold, and the crunching beneath his feet soothed the silence before he was halted by his mother at the same time. Finally he escaped her back as his eyes were met with a gorgeous waterfall. His mother turned and with the she kneeled down.

''This is my favourite place'' she confessed as she stood from her kneeling, taking her son along with her as she sat in the grass, near the edge to the water. Surprising the water wasn't frozen. ''This place is filled with warmth'' she wore a smile as she pulled her son into her arms.

''So matter what, this is to be your adored place, come here whenever you need'' She begged as her eyes began watering. The smaller male didn't understand but he knew his mother was upset that he hadn't been accepted into the dream school he had wanted to be.

Her emotions...he understood them all, he let her cry into his shoulders as he watched the water glisten, stare at him and her. Hopeless. He frowned as the water ran down, he bit his lip in frustration and soon his own tears began pouring out. This isn't what he wanted. He wanted his mother to be happy with him.

His dreams were shattered.

Because of his quirk.

So many times, What about the kidnapped Hero?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt