Chapter 9

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It didn't take long for the class to forget about the kidnapping of the blond, they all forgot about it and went on with their days. About two weeks had passed ever since the incident, but for Katsuki it still felt like yesterday that it had happened. His mind was still running in circles, and he just knew that he had to do something about it.

''Yo Bakubro!!!'' The red haired male greeted as he ran to catch up to his friend, the blond felt an arm wrap around his neck and with that he smiled. ''Yeah what?'' He mumbled, unlinking his arm from the blonds neck, they began walking side by side. ''Any plans?'' The male asked gaining a shake of the head from the blond, he hummed understanding.

He blond did have plans thought, and he was plotting it like an evil character. He was going to see that villain again, he just had to, he had to see Deku. ''Bakubro?'' The red haired male repeated as the blond finally looked at him, he looked confused. ''What?'' He asked, Kirishima shook his head. ''Nothing, I'm turning, take care man!'' He wished and the blond nodded before they parted ways.

Katsuki was plotting a plan, a plan to see the villain again.


''You haven't made an appearance and you're still running around the news'' Shigaraki spoke as he showed the masked villain, Deku simply looked and smiled, who thought a mystery villain could be going around on the news for two weeks, without being forgotten, he was sure the biggest talk.

''How is that training hero doing?'' The villain curiously asked. The other villains glanced at eachother before they sighed and updated their leader. ''He's training and going about his days, i assume he had forgotten'' Dabi interrupted, the masked villain nodded.

Little did they know what the training hero was plotting.

''Well let's not have me appear again, once the news dies down i'll appear out of nowhere and they won't be expecting it, we'll create an illusion to the point where they think they know but they really don't'' the masked villain spoke as the other villains nodded. '' i really wanted to kill that blond'' another feminine voice voiced. The villains looked to see it was Toga who was pouting. ''No we can't, we can't go around and kill people who aren't our targets, I'm sure i had said that'' the villain spoke with annoyance present in his voice.

The blond villain sighed before she approached the table and sat down. ''Well when can i make my move?'' She asked, as she looked at the masked villain, the villain thought before he looked at her. ''When i say you can'' he answered and with that she exaggerated her sigh.

Finally the masked villain removed his mask, the other villains stared as he did so, fascinated, it was only a once in a life time opportunity that the villain did so and it was surprising that he was doing so now. He placed his mask down on the brown table that they all were grouped around and their eyes were on him.

The villains features were gorgeous, his skin was tan and his hair fell at his eyes along with his eyes, one that was an emerald green and another that was white, around that white eye, a scar had formed around it due to it's use.

But the villain was gorgeous.

''It's not fair'' Toga complained, Deku glared at her before he sighed. ''Go take a fucking walk Toga'' The villain growled as she smiled. ''Really?'' She asked and the villain hummed. ''I don't want you to be the pain in the ass, you're free to take a fucking walk'' he allowed and with that she was up and sprinting out of the meeting room, and once again the three villains were left to each other.


It was slowly getting dark, the sun was setting and the sky was darkening in colour. He sat in the kitchen. His mother turned up and she looked confused. '' Where are you going?'' She asked, the blond looked before he spoke. ''I'm gonna go for a walk'' he mumbled, Mitsuki looked at the time before she frowned, 'at this time?'' She asked once again, gaining a nod from the blond, she nodded. ''Alright,..just be careful'' With that she left the kitchen.

Katsuki finally stood from the seat and with that headed to the front door of his house, he put his shoes on and with that he took the keys and he headed out, he felt the cool evening breeze as he closed his door, he looked up seeing the blue night sky and he smiled, he hoped his plan would work and if not then he would continue with his plan for a few days until the masked villain would notice.

Katsuki was unsure why he was so intrigued in the masked villain, but there was just something about the villain that he wanted to know about... the thought of the two of them being on top of each other stayed in the blonds mind and he couldn't forget it...there was just this uncontrollable connection between the two.

He walked down the empty night streets, debating whether his plan would work or not but then he shook his head, no matter what he would have to be patient, whether it worked or not, he would keep trying until he had the villain before him.

Before the blond knew it he was walking around close by the convenience store he was on top of before and he went to the alley way and back up the way he did when he came down it.

He was on the roof of the store, back to where he and the villain were.

So many times, What about the kidnapped Hero?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ