Chapter 10

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''I have something to report'' Toga walked into the meeting room, it was alright day and the villains were once again researching the news no if anything had been updated, changed or more. The villains looked at Tog as she walked over and they turned their attention to her.

''What is it?'' Deku the villain asked. Toga smiled. ''It's that training hero...he was out last night'' she spoke, the green haired villain turned and with that he crossed his legs, turning his whole body towards her. ''What do you mean?'' The villain asked prying for more.

''He was on top of a convenience store and he was just sitting there..dunno what for but...he was out in the open as if waiting for something'' She spoke, she smiled as she saw that it was the first time the villain ever looked intrigued and..interested.

The green haired villain frowned before he put his hand to his chin and with that he looked back up and he looked at Dabi. ''Dabi hack into the cameras just about near that area'' The villain ordered and with that Dabi got to work with a nod, pulling up a system on his screen and with that he began clicking away. ''Why are you so intrigued in this training hero.'' Shigaraki's rough voice asked, the green haired villain looked at the other, he answered.

''It seems to me I'm not the one who's intrigued'' the masked villain stood, making his way to Dabi's side as the villain pulled up a screen full of CCTV, the villain took the mouse and with that clicked on one screen and he watched the footage before seeing indeed the blond was there as he sat. He fast forwarded the footage to see the blond sat there for about three hours before he decided to head home.

Deku sighed before he bit on his thumb. much different than the other times the male had encountered a victim of his...well this was his first but it was unusual... Was the training hero trying to get his attention? There was no way the hero was just sitting there...but maybe there was.

''What will you do about him?'' Dabi asked as he looked at Deku who was still biting his thumb, the villain sighed. ''Nothing, I'm sure it's just a coincidence'' the villain spoke, but even those simple words were hard for him to believe. Deku headed for the table as he took his mask off of the shiny smooth surface and with that he applied it onto his face, he left, leaving the villains to themselves and their questions for the villains.

Meanwhile, Deku made his way down the steps of the meeting room, his thoughts flooded with the events that had happened during the training heroes stay and he frowned, the blond pinning him down and him reversing the roles was not meant to take place, but of course he couldn't predict such would happen between the two. He sighed. What was his next move be? Was he going to be careless? Even he was unsure of the future.


Katsuki awoke to the sound of his alarm, he had an alarm to not sleep past morning, even though he seemed like the time to sleep past morning, he really wasn't, he had a strict routine. Apart from having a specific time to eat, as long as he ate it was enough. Although during UA he had a strict time to eat and be ready, and make breakfast for everyone.

Getting out of bed, he headed for the kitchen to find his father and mother sat at the table as they were sipping their drinks while having a pleasing conversation,hearing the footsteps of their son, they looked, greeting him a good morning and he hummed before making himself some scrambled eggs for breakfast.

He wasn't happy...he thought he would see the villain but there was no sight of him, or maybe he had to go to the extremes.. he was unsure of.. why he wanted to see the villain again, he wasn't scared, of course he wasn't, but it just didn't explain why he wanted to see the villain.

Pouring himself the boiled water into the minimum volumed cup he placed the kettle down before looking into it and seeing the water slowly change it's colour due to the tea bag, he took his cup by the handle before sitting by his parents with his food and drink, they stared at him before glancing at each other, unsure of why he seemed so down.

''Why so down? Did something happen?'' Mitsuki asked as she sipped her drink, Katsuki hummed answering her question before she frowned. ''Do you want to talk about it?'' He shook his head immediately and with that he dug into his food.

The blond didn't take any time slowly eating his food, he always ate all of his food in about five minutes. As he did, he took it to the skink and with that washed his own dishes, he was disciplined well and argued less with his parents less, although he had to get out some anger sometimes and they knew he couldn't go without letting out some anger so they played along with it.

Katsuki left for his room and with that he sat n his bed for a bit, before getting ready for the day.

He was going to make sure, he'd see the villain.

So many times, What about the kidnapped Hero?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora