Chapter 24

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The masked villain was waiting. He sat at the same spot the two were familiar with. He was nervous for some reason.

Staring at the gorgeous midnight beauty, he saw the gorgeous stars unable to stop himself from looking away, the sky was really something when it was dark, it was vast when you could take a good look, it's as if you were staring into the galaxy.

The male didn't realise the immense distraction he was wound up in until a hand was placed onto his shoulder. There was a gentle tap on his shoulder that brought him out of his daze.The masked villain was admiring the gorgeous sky.

However, the villain no longer paid attention to the sunset sky but the attractive blond that's nose had fell cold and grown to tint red.

Strolling the two did the breeze was was rather gentle against both of their Clothes and skin, it attacked them but not the point they were deciding to reschedule.

Despite their silent stroll it enough was for the blonds heart to beat in an inconsistent pace.

The two came to a halt as there Seemed to be a passer by who was doing their nightly Jog.

A rush of panic ran over the blond before he was yanked and his. back met an oak tree.

The moonlight illuminated his and the villains features.
Hi" the villain began, the blond let out a Small Smirk before letting. out a shy "Hi" and with that the villain stood onto his two feet dusting himself off.

katsukis eyes fell upon the villains. his eyes were a gorgeous emerald green. Never had he seen such eyes.

The passer-by had passed them as the sound of their Jogging had gotten close but soon faded into the distance.

that was close" the blond mumbled gaining a soft chuckle from the Villain which had caused his face to flush.

"It was wasn't it?" the villain replied. he backed away from his position and with that silence blanketed the two.
The Villain deemed to drown the silence, so, grabbing the blond just like he had done in attempting to cover his identity, he had just the perfect idea.


''Where are we heading?'' 

The villain failed to provide the blond with satisfaction by answering his question and instead he smiled behind his mask covering his possible evil intentions which the blond Hero was fully unaware of considering he himself was blindfolded by a gorgeous white clean cloth.

It wasn't the villains intention to blindfold him, but to break the silence he wanted to take the Hero to his favourite place and maybe begin to share a little information about himself, or if the blond wanted to know, he was to expose any sort of information about himself, other than that it was mostly a test, to see what the blond would do with such information.

''Patients my Hero'' the villain teased.

They were almost there.

All the blond had feeling of was the concrete floor, the soft breeze and the addicting warmth that the villain was emitting from his won palm.

Soon his feet were no longer touching the ground but something soft, he could tell what it was. It was grass. He gulped as he trusted the villain wasn't taking him somewhere dangerous.

Meanwhile, for the masked villain, his heart began melting at the memories that were flooding into his stomach, he began getting emotional, but he stood his ground, he couldn't be getting emotional.

All the memories that were buried within the woods, like his secret treasure, were no longer his treasure, but now his place of comfort, his place that he deeply cherished whenever he was down, whenever he needed time for himself. This was his place.

This was His Treasure.

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