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Genre- angst, smiggen of smut (really now?)
Length- 1335

Third POV-

Bakugou felt awful. He felt powerless. Kirishima needs him, but he feels useless.

When Kirishima and Kaminari started dating, everyone thought that it was great. Bakugou, of course, was a bit hurt to see his crush love someone else, but he wanted Kirishima to be happy. So he stuffed his feelings inside and hoped they would wither over time.

It never did. But that isn't important right now.

In public, they were that lovey dovy couple. The press loved it, their fans loved it, everyone loved their relationship.

But, Kaminari didn't he supposed. Kirishima shared information to Bakugou that the rest of the squad doesn't know, wouldn't believe. But Bakugou believes Kirishima.

It's hard not to when he comes to your house or calls you, sobbing. It hurt Bakugou that someone would even think of hurting Kirishima, and Kaminari of all people.

But Kirishima didn't want Bakugou to tell anyone and Kirishima didn't want to leave Kaminari. Despite how much Bakugou wanted him to. Wanted to tell, wanted him to leave Kaminari. He didn't.

So Bakugou had to stare in the face of Kirishima's abuser, him pretending to be all happy and nice, when he knows what happens behind the public eye. He regretfully knows.

Kaminari cheats, yells, blame, everything he can do to hurt Kirishima, he does it. Kirishima just takes it. He's either to nice to do things back or he's too scared. Bakugou thinks it's most likely the second one. With the way he shakes as he cries into the blond's chest, clings onto Bakugou's shirt as if he was going to die if he let go.

Bakugou has to hold back his own tears as he comforts Kirishima. The powerlessness, the feeling of being useless of helping, just builds and makes Bakugou upset.

They had their good moments as well. But for the most part? Horrible. Abusive.

It has been happening more and more frequently to Bakugou's dismay, and now, blood is getting involved. It makes Bakugou... afraid. Would Kaminari even hesitate to kill Kirishima? Will he lose a man that he's loved for years from someone else?

It just adds onto the powerlessness.

"Hey Dynamite, have you seen Kirishima?" Fat Gum asked.

"No...why?" Bakugou asked, fixing his belt. He shouldn't be as worried as he is. Kirishima could just be sick and forget to call in. But the back of his mind holds bloody images.

"He hasn't come in to work and he didn't call in, same thing for yesterday," he explained.

"Have you tried calling him?" He asked. It's fine, Kirishima's fine, Bakugou kept telling himself.

"Yeah, he didn't pick up," Fat Gum drank some of his water before twisting the cap back on. "I called several times, thinking maybe he was asleep, or wasn't in the room," he rubbed the back of his neck.

"He just didn't answer," Bakugou felt anxious. "Could you go over and check up on him?" Bakugou's shift was almost over, and he was really worried. So he agreed.

He was worried that he'd arrive at Kirishima and Kaminari's shared apartment and see a bloodied up Kirishima, lifeless on the floor.

He knocked on the door, but didn't get a response. He sighed, bent down and grabbed the spare key, unlocking the door and coming inside. Should he had knocked again? Yeah, he should've. But his mind was racing. He was worried.

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