As usual, Radley is dressed in his gold clothing and I never ask why but it seems to be a thing in their country as King Cosmos always wears white. I decide to get my clothes ready as the ball starts in the afternoon and goes throughout the day. I pick out a peach dress with see-through sparkly sleeves and then I make my way to the ball to be introduced. Once everyone is there, the young boys' names are called and then the party begins. As there are no girls here, they are not mingling as much as they did before.

As the sun begins to shine brighter, I notice Radley staring at me from across the room as I stand on the opposite side of the room. I smile at him and then he makes his way over to me.

"Why are you alone?"Radley asks me curiously. "Just thinking," I say honestly, "about tonight." He nods and smiles sadly as he leaves me with my thoughts.

As the sun begins to set, I notice familiar blue eyes staring at me with noticeable blond hair attached to them. I tense as he comes towards me but I stand my ground.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him seriously. "I am greeting some long-lost family and friends," he says politely and I sigh deeply, "would you care for a dance?" I know it is not a question so I don't bother arguing as I make my way onto the dance floor.

I then ask him, "Why are you really here?" "I think you know the answer," he says as his eyes darken. I see Radley watching me with pain in his eyes but I try to communicate with him to tell him I am in danger.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I ask him kindly. His grip on me tightens and I gasp, "Because you killed my father and I have nothing left as he told me barely anything about who I really am." "I can clear some things up about that," I say seriously as a war rages in my eyes. He looks at me with curiosity dancing in his eyes, "Tell me." "You should meet my father and family since you danced with me," I say seriously, "honestly, you should have asked him before you even touched me." He sighs as he pulls me closer and whispers, "Do not play games with me." I whisper back, "Why would I ever do that?" He glares at me as I lead him to my father who smiles brightly at him.

My mother looks at me and then at him, "Ky..." Kyle's eyes fill with fear as she almost says his name and I feel like dying because she did not.

"Your Majesty," Kyle says politely, "I am Cairo." "Cairo?" she looks at him as if he thinks she is stupid, "GUARDS! ARREST THIS MAN!"

Kyle starts attempting to run but he does not make it far so he starts babbling. "They are trying to...ugh...stop me from telling you the truth...let me go...I have the truth...about the princess," he says with a devious smile as he is dragged away. I put on a fake smile and pretend like he is just a crazy man obsessed with his princess.

"Finally," my father says triumphantly, "we can get you married." I chuckle at those words as he hugs me tightly. Radley comes and hugs me afterwards as does the rest of my family.

Everyone is dancing and having fun as we hug each other.

"Father," I say nervously, "Radley...wanted me to sign the papers before...I went into the forest...I do not know...." My father waves his hands as if implying I stop talking, "I just want you to be happy and safe with someone who will take care of you. Anyways the wedding will be happening a month after we get home." I laugh as everyone seems happy in their daze of joy.

Later, in the evening, the Duchess comes to me.

"Princess Anthurium," she says kindly and I turn my attention to her, "I have heard about your marriage and I wanted to congratulate you. I have changed your room to another room like your father's." I smile and thank her but my nerves get the better of me.

I know we have an event the next day but the thought of sleeping in the same bed as a man just brings back bad memories so I head to the stables with my guards as I sleep beside Ruby.

The following morning, I get up with an aching body as I make my way into the home before anyone else can get up. I make my way to my new room and open the door to find Radley sleeping upright in his formal clothes as if waiting for me. I sigh deeply as I go towards him and kiss him on his lips to wake him up.

His eyes flutter open and he hugs me tightly when he makes eye contact with me.

"Where were you?" he asks me with concern. "I slept in the...stables," I say nervously as I look at him with fear in my eyes. He hugs me again and tears fill my eyes as he does, "Just tell me next time." "I just could not face you last night after Kyle...and then changing room...and..." I go silent as he kisses me softly on my lips. "Don't worry," he says kindly, "you do not have to feel bad for feeling whatever it is you are feeling." I nod and hug him again.

Later, we get a letter telling us to wear light clothes that is fit for heat and water.

"Here goes the events," I say with a sigh as we start getting ready for the day ahead.

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