Chapter 3: Open City (Part 3)

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"Surprisingly no. He's a fickle being that appears when you least expect it. Of everything in the world powers he's the most sociable."

"And number 3, who are they?"

"Not they but it. It's Leviathan, the true beast of the ocean. Number 4 is the Death god, and 5 is the Mysterious god. You'll find quite a few legends about them and the rankings beneath 5 haven't changed in a millennia. 6 and 7 changed about two hundred years ago, and they're called the Unknown god and the Slumbering God, reason being almost nothing is known about them. 8, 9 and 10 you enter the realm of possibility and every few decades they'll change."

Chloe clasped her hands together, "And who are they?"

"8 is the current Magic God, 9 is Cresia Night, the Battle God, she's a bit of a battle maniac from what I've heard, and 10... that's me."

"What!?" Chloe couldn't help but gasp loudly but quickly covered her mouth. "R-really?"

"Pfft no," Mask laughed at the classic joke told to children all across the world. "10 is the First Emperor of the Central Empire. The difference between them and me is scary to think about. Hope that you never encounter any of them."

Chloe however couldn't help imagine who they were and wondered if she could read more about them. With her new found freedom she could save up her money and buy as many books she liked!

"Hang on," Chloe paused at a sudden thought. "How do the rankings change?"

"If they pass away they vanish, if they are defeated, the winner will take their rank and push everything else down. It's usually big news when anything changes." He stood above Chloe and pressed down on her head lightly, "Don't get too many ideas. Besides that's not why we're her today."

Seeing Mask move away, Chloe looked back at the wall above the altar one more time before tentatively following him. They headed back towards the entrance and to a counter that laid to the side. Behind the counter was a pleasantly smiling women. She wore a simple black dress adorned with a white apron decorated with the symbol of the One.

"Greetings, how may I help you today?" she nodded politely.

"I'm here to check my Titles," Mask replied.

"Of course," the women reached down beneath the counter and retrieved a large stone plate. While the plate seemed simple, the thin surface gave off an aura of delicate magic. Chloe however wasn't looking at the plate but Mask. While he had many titles, two she could remember stood out. Assassin and Thief. Even she knew they were criminal titles and the Church would be forced to arrest him. It was only Mask's calm demeanour that also calmed her.

The women held the plate in her hand and gestured to a small box on the counter, "Your donation please."

Mask took a bronze coin from his pocket and slotted into the box. It was only then that the women laid down the plate. With that, Mask removed the glove on his right hand and pressed down on the stone. A light spiralled upwards on top the counter converging to common text. It began to spell out his Titles. Practitioner of Martial Arts, World Traveller, Practitioner of Magic, One who has walked 10000 miles, Swimmer of Seas, Teller of Tales, One who has beheld Power, Gourmet, Curator of Culture, Historian. They were all Titles that Chloe had seen with her own eyes, but there was also many Titles that were missing.

"Well I am impressed," the women spoke sincerely. "You are a well-travelled individual despite your age. Not many people have the World Traveller Title."

Raising WondersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora