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Jaime POV

"What if I live with you and then we decide to break up? I'm not going nowhere. You would have to move."  Xyla looked at me.

" one, I'm not going nowhere. Two ain't no breaking up. Three, I would never take you out of your home."

we have been looking at houses all day. We fell in love with the same house, so I figured maybe we could just move in together. She's not too sure about it but I would never make her leave her house.

My mom just found her house like two days ago. Jeremy and Lucas are looking for a new place, we are all back at my place.  We decided to just keep staying in one house.

" OK so we have that understanding so you can call him and tell him that we want that house." I nodded.

It's been about two months since the whole incident happened, we had to take some time to just take a breather. During that time we were looking for my mom's place, and Lucas was trying to find a place. It just feels like we're all at the same starting point. We are trying to figure everything out.

I pulled up to my house and we hopped out and I noticed Jeremy's cafe was here.

Him and Xyla have been so close through out the whole process. It's just as if she really adopted him. I think they are both filling a void for each other. She is what he needs her to be and he is what she needs him to be. Like she said, he just wants to be loved and she wants to love.

We walked in the house and Lucas and Jeremy were sitting on the couch.

"Hey mom."

"Hey babe." Xyla sat her purse on the counter and made her way over to him.

"Wussup nigga." Lucas walked over to me. "They really taking this shit for real?" He asked and I shrugged.

" It's working out for them, it's making them both feel better." I watched them interact with eachother. " it's working for her because she doesn't has Ximora or Hasley to take care of her and that's what she's been doing our whole life. He's younger than Hasley so he probably is filling in."

"Yeah she loves being a mom."

"That's all she knows." She kissed the back of his head.

"Y'all should have another kid." I looked at him and he was watching them.

" she wants to make sure that I am serious about my choices before we take that step."

" She want to get married first?" I nodded. " that makes sense, we have plenty of conversations where you have told me that she is the one, so why not just marry her."

" I don't know man that shit feels much kind of overwhelming when I think about it. I love that she's the one that I'm going to marry, I know she's going to be the one I'm going to marry."

" so what are you waiting for? There's no such thing as the perfect time. You have to make the perfect time, you have to plan it out and make it happen. It's not just going to happen or you're going to be stuck in this mindset for years."

I nodded.

Xyla POV

" no that is so smart." I smiled at him.

" I know, but I have establish this life for myself. I have been thinking about it for a couple of days. I get my money this way, and I make a living this way. Even though I want to go and get my GED and go to college and stuff like that I just feel like that's moving backwards."

" listen everybody that is successful. Don't have a degree. If you wanna just go get your GED, then do that. Like you say you already have the hustle and you have the mentality to go after what you want. But a GED is the least that you can have. If you decide to go to college or whatever you decide to go I am behind you 100%. Never stop learning. I was actually in college, but I kind of dropped out because I had to take care of Hasley because my mom couldn't do it. And I ended up finding a great job that pays very well and it was doing something that I like to do which is cleaning. Now look at me, no matter what you do always be a great person. Always be pure, and do everything with intent. Be kind, good things were always happened to you when you're the good thing that happened to somebody else. You've been through a lot and you lost a lot but that's a part of life. Don't let it keep you down or take over your life." He nodded. " if you wanna go to college there are alternatives you can go online or you can live in the dorm or we can set you up with her while you're in college. You could be living in an apartment or you could go from home. You will still have time to do whatever you have to do."

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