I'll pass. I think I'm gonna crash at Jake's if that's okay.

I'll call Billy to make sure you're there. Don't try staying at Call's house

Sir yes sir. See you tomorrow ❤


Kitty Kat

Kitty Kat
Sorry I meant to type snitch. But if the shoe fits wear it 😊


Kitty Kat
I'm sorry are you actually talking to me, your annoying sister who can't seem to stop treating you like a crutch?

Whatever. I'm done apologizing.

Kitty Kat
Good cause I'm done listening to fake apologies. Just tell me the truth and I'll forgive you.


"So what's it like dating a 17-year-old?" Quil teased Embry.

"Shut up," Katherine threw a piece of bread at Quil.

"So you get your driver's license next week," Jacob commented as he tossed aside one of his tools. "Does this mean you'll drive us places?"

"Depends on where you'd want me to drive to," Katherine spoke with caution.

"Seattle?" Jacob questioned.

"Why would we go to Seattle?" Katherine questioned.

"Babes," Embry quickly answered. Katherine shot him a look. "I mean for them, obviously."

"Chief Swan would never let Kit drive all the way to Seattle. We could go watch movies in Port Angeles," Quil spoke up as he ate the bread.

"There's nothing worth spending money on in theaters right now," Katherine argued.

"Birthday girl has a point," Jacob agreed.

"So, what are we doing today?" Embry asked.

"I'm bored of watching Jake fix up his car," Katherine yawned to emphasize her point.

"We could head down to the beach," Quil suggested.

"We spend all our time at the beach," Katherine said.

"Is that a no?" Jacob asked.

"Nope, just an observation. Let's go," Katherine stood up and headed towards the door. "Last one there gets to be buried in the sand." All the guys quickly got up as Katherine took off out the door.


The sun was out making the day nice and comfortable. Jacob laughed at Quil as Embry added the final touches to his sandy feminine figure.

"Nice tits," Katherine joked. Quil made a kissing face at her in response.

"Am I turned on or am I threatened," Embry shrugged. Jacob pushed him over causing the group to laugh.

After some time had passed Quil had broken free and was chasing down Jacob with seaweed in his hands. Embry watched in tears until Quil decided Embry needed to wear the seaweed. Katherine laughed as she watched them from the comfort of a blanket they laid out on the sand. She looked down at her phone to see a happy birthday text from Bella.


Happy birthday

Kitty Kat
Thanks. Surprised you remembered.

Why wouldn't I?

Kitty Kat
Cause you've been busy with ✨️Edward✨️

You are so weird. What's with the sparkles around his name?

Kitty Kat
It's cause he's a fairy and fairies glitter. Ask him if he knows Tinkerbell 😁

Haha so funny. Why do you think he's a fairy?

Kitty Kat
It's a joke Bella. I bet that Alice is secretly Tinkerbell. Gtg Jake is trying to drown my boyfriend

Tell Jake I say hey


"Bella's birthday is next week, planning anything?" Embry asked as Katherine relaxed against his chest as she read.

"No. I guess the Cullens are doing something. I have a gift for her but that's about it," Katherine shrugged.

"You forgive her?" Jacob asked.

"Not really. But Dad wouldn't let us leave the house till we came to some kind of agreement. Guess our arguments were driving him mad," Katherine explained as she continued to read.

"I don't blame him," Quil joked.

"Shut up," Katherine threw her book at him.

"I'm keeping this," Quil looked at the cover that read Dracula by Bram Stoker. "Why vampires?"

"Because we are surrounded by them and I have to know how to take them down," Katherine deadpanned. When the three guys looked at her like she sprouted a second head she began laughing. "It's better than the crap the school gives us to read."

"If vampires were real would you become one?" Jacob asked.

"God no. Living forever sounds painful and lonely. I'd rather be a wolf," Katherine answered quickly. All three guys agreed before they continued to joke and mess around.


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