*seventeen: xander bogaerts

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Another request- thanks so much for this one, I really like how it turned out!


Luna woke up to a cold, empty bed for the 8th day in a row. When her and Xander had a fight last week, she didn't think it'd last this long.

The sad thing was, she couldn't remember why they were fighting in the first place, just the fact that it had escalated so bad and she'd walked out that night at his place and hadn't seen him since.

The two had only been together about 4 months, but unless Xander was in the road, there were very few nights they weren't having sleepovers.

She sighed as she got up out of bed and made her wya to the bathroom to brush her teeth. When she looked in the mirror she hardly recognized herself. Her hair was a mess after not being washed for days, and the bags under her eyes were darker than ever.

She missed Xander. Neither of them had spoken to each other since the fight because they didn't know what to say. And little did Luna know, Xander was feeling the exact same way that she was.


Xander was supposed to be home by 7 so he and Luna could make dinner together and have a date night, and just chill and watch a movie, but he was 2 hours late. Luna didn't want to wait for him, but she knew they going back to her apartment would only make her more upset.

When the clock hit 10:30, Luna decided he had definitely forgotten. She sighed, frustrated, and decided that while she was there she would at least eat something.

As she began to search through the fridge she heard the front door open, and in walked a very flustered Xander. Luna turned around, stone faced, and flared at her boyfriend.


"Don't even say my name right now, Xander." The girl seethed. "Where in the bell have you been? What was so much more important than your girlfriend?" She said as her voice got gradually louder. Xander ran a hand down his face, knowing he messed up.

"It really was an accident, L, I swear!" Xander pleaded as he got closer to Luna. "I got caught up with a few of the guys, we went to get a couple of drinks, and I just genuinely forgot."

"But how, Xander? Honestly, how? I've been reminding you for days now and we even had a conversation about it today!" Xander rolled his eyes as Luna kept going.

"You know what, Luna? People make fucking mistakes!" Xander said as his voice now got louder. "I fucked up, okay? And I'm sorry, okay? Why are you making such a big deal?"

"Because it isn't one mistake, Xander! This is the 3rd date night you've forgotten. And remember when you promised to pick me up from work? But what did you do instead? Go out with the boys. I'm tired of feeling like I'm a doormat!" She exclaimed. Xander couldn't help but scoff at what she was saying.

"Oh so now I'm a piece of shit?"

"Oh don't you DARE try and twist my words." Luna said as she and Xander were face to face. "Nothing even close to that came out of my mouth. I'm just saying sometimes I'd like a little more effort. I didn't think you were dating your team." That comment send Xander off as he became the maddest he'd been tonight.

"You know what, Luna? Why don't you just fucking leave, I'm done." Xander screamed as he stayed facing Luna. She had no idea what to do- she'd never seen Xander this mad. It wasn't until a tear rolled down Lina's face that Xander showed any type of sympathy.

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