I should have known that Leon would have spoken to Leo as soon as he entered, they were best buddies, just like Florence and I were, but it wasn't far that the two of us didn't get that. Nic had Fran and Leo had Leon. I had unfairness. 

It wasn't fair what she had been through, and I knew it was worse than what I had ever been through. "Just give me a minuet" I called out, pretending to be in the shower, but I knew they would all be able to see through it. 

They had always been good at detecting whether I was lying or not; they had been trained to do so. I was trained the same way, but I was nowhere near as good as them when they were my age. 

My brothers had always been miles ahead in general, and for once I was letting them be much better than me. I was letting my father be disappointed in me because I had lost all use of trying hard. 

I had always believed that my little sister being in my life would change that, but I didn't. It almost made it worse, not because of her, but because of myself. I had made everything worse for my family. I was hard to deal with. 

I had overheard my father talking to Leon and Leo the other night, while I had gotten up to go to the bathroom, leaving Fran in the room with Florence as my father had wanted someone in the room with her all night, I had heard my father say that I had started to slip in school. 

That it was a real shame that I had started to lose the A grade student that had been developed. All in all, he had seen my mid-term report and it showed that I was now a C- student, almost a D. 

He was not pleased in the slightest, and I knew that was reflecting in the way that he was avoiding not only speaking and looking me in the eye, but even when I was in the same room as him. He would leave the room, and not come back for hours on end. 

Which made it worse, because he should be the one here for Florence, and not me. "Lorenzo, come out here now" my fathers voice rang through the bathroom, sending shivers down my spine. It was the first time he had spoken to me directly this week. 

I didn't like the way that my name rolled off of his tongue, making me feel even worse. He was the one that I used to run too when I had problems with my brothers being mean to me, but as I got older, I lost that special spot for him. 

I eventually became the only person I needed in my life, maybe besides Elijah. I would always have Elijah. "Coming" I whispered, not knowing what else to say as I turned the shower off but not before wetting my hands and then running them through my hair to make it more believable. 

I looked at myself one more time, taking a deep breath in, before exhaling. I was the odd one out and there was nothing I could do to change that fact. It was who I am, and I had no shame in saying it to myself. 

I opened the door slowly, keeping my eyes downcast at a 45 degree angle. I couldn't bare to look any higher than my brothers legs, knowing I would see the disappointment in their eyes. I couldn't bare the shame I knew that they were carrying. 

We hadn't all been in a room without Florence being awake, and having my father in the room was something new. I hadn't seen him almost race towards the door as soon as I came out, which seemed to give me some comfort. 

"Enz, look at us" I knew they had been discussing my grades and everything else that was wrong with me; I had heard bits and pieces when my thoughts gave me a second to breathe before they started racing all over again. 

It took me a few seconds before I decided that I should look them in the eyes. These were the people I had grown up admiring and looking up to, not away from. So, I looked each and every one of them in the eye, as I landed my gaze on my father's figure last. 

"What is this I have heard about your grades? Gone is the straight A student to the straight C student. Why didn't you say anything about the assignments you left finished, saying you didn't understand or couldn't get done on time?" 

My father stood there, arms crossed as he ever so slightly moved his feet back and forth in the 100th new pair of black, shiny polished shoes. He had started off easy, but I knew the hard part was coming. The hard part was my admission. 

The hard part was to admit that I had no reason; that I had no idea why I didn't ask for help when I didn't understand or that I didn't ask for an extension when we came back from a spontaneous trip for the business a day before the due date of my assignments. 

I just had no reason for them. I had no idea how I had gone from a A to C student in just under 6 months. I had nothing to give them, because I had no idea how my life had taken such a drastic turning point so quickly.

"How is it that you have seem to lost whatever you had? I even been told that you have stopped showing up to trainings and HPE lessons. Where do you go? Where did the little boy I knew go" 

"I don't know" was the only reason I could give, with the shame I was feeling. 


thoughts? xx where do we think Lorenzo has been going? Does he actually know why he has changed from an A to C student? What does everyone actually know? 

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thoughts? xx where do we think Lorenzo has been going? Does he actually know why he has changed from an A to C student? What does everyone actually know? 

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