Baking Contest

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Summary- Mavise, Iris, Barry and Keira enter a baking contest.

Iris, Mavise, Barry and Keira decided it would be a good idea to enter a baking contest. So they all joined as a group. Finally, the day of the competition came, and Iris, Barry, Keira and Mavise were all excited.

Keira stated, "We got this."

Mavise replied, "Yeah, we do."

Iris asked, "Do you know what we are making for the competition."

Barry stated, "We will find out soon."

Iris replied, "Uh, alright then."

A few moments later, the judge gave the instructions for the recipe to everyone competing in this baking contest.

Keira said, "Looks like we are making rainbow cupcakes."

Mavise stated, "Sounds fun."

Keira asked, "What are the measurements?"

Iris asked, "What ingredients do we need to make it?"

Mavise stated, "We need 1 cup of butter, 2 ⅓ cups of sugar, 5 egg whites, 1 tablespoon of clear vanilla, 3 cups of flour, 4 teaspoons of baking powder, ½ teaspoon of salt, 1 ½ cups of milk, 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract, 4 cups of powdered sugar, and food colouring in red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple."

Barry said, "We got everything we need to make the cupcakes."

Iris stated, "Let's get started with making these cupcakes."

Mavise, Iris, Keira and Barry followed the instructions to make the cupcake batter; they then split the batter into six bowls and put in 2 drops of food colouring per bowl. Soon enough, they had the batter ready.

Keira found a cupcake tray and lined it with cupcake liners; after that, Iris poured one bowl at a time into the liners, and the last batter poured was the red batter. Next, Mavise set the oven to 350 degrees. While waiting for the oven to heat, Barry, Iris, Mavise, and Keira cleaned the bowls and measuring spoons they used.

The oven was finally ready to place the cupcakes in. Barry put the cupcakes in the oven and set the timer to 18 minutes. Iris, Mavise and Keira made the frosting with the remaining ingredients. 18 minutes later, the cupcakes were ready to be taken out of the oven. Iris put on some oven gloves and took the cupcakes out of the oven.

Keira said, "Now we just need to wait until the cupcakes are cool enough to apply the frosting."

Mavise said, "Those cupcakes look so delicious."

When cooled, Barry, Iris, Mavise and Keira applied the frosting to the cupcakes. Next, a judge walked around trying each group's cupcakes.

The winning group, in the end, was Barry, Mavise, Keira and Iris; they were excited that they had won the baking competition.

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