chapter thirty.

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"I can't believe we're here!" Jade screeched, throwing her arms around her friend. It was graduation day, finally. Rae had gotten an A+ on her thesis and was now going to walk across the stage.

Rae had gotten up extra early to put on her graduation dress and do her hair and make up, expecting to be up and out of the house before any of her soulmates were. Jade and Han were picking her up to get to campus early for the pre-graduation bullshit, so she had told them that they could sleep in.

She was extremely surprised to see all 7 of them up and about, either completely ready or half ready. Jin had made croffles (her new favorite since he perfected his recipe) and Hoseok had gone and gotten her boba at the crack of dawn for her.

"It's all about you today, beautiful. Whatever you want, we're doing it." Jimin had told her before Yoongi sat her down and forced her to eat.

Now, she was waiting in the school's gym to be lined up and escorted to the arena for sports on their campus, donning her cap and gown. Rae had lined her graduation cap with cherry blossom leaves, the initials of each of her soulmates on a flower as well as her brother and her mom.

"It's gonna look like Rae has a whole section, probably." Han joked. Rae let out a groan, knowing that he was not exaggerating.

"They're going to be an embarrassment, I know it." Rae muttered. Besides her seven soulmates attending the graduation - which they had to do a lot of coordinating with the college to make sure no one would swarm them - and her brother and his soulmates were attending. She would probably have a whole section just for her, which partially made her cringe.

Just as they were going to keep talking, they were all called to line up. Since it was alphabetical order, Rae was close to the front of the line. Jin had told her graduating is a lot of standing and waiting, and he was right. They stood in line for 10 minutes before the procession started moving, going into the arena. She heard families cheering for their graduates, watched as they waved to their families back.

"WAY TO GO LITTLE CHAN!" Seo Changbin's voice boomed above everyone else's, making Rae laugh as she tried to voice the voice. There in the first and second rows was her entire family.

"That's our girl! Go Rae!" it was Jin's turn to shout, Rae's face turning red as she sat down in her seat, still nearby all her soulmates. It took another 5 minutes to get everyone seated and the introduction finished, before the president of the college went up and started to speak.

MYG: At least try to look like your paying attention.

RAE: But it's so boring!

KSJ: We'll jolt you when you have to pay attention.

JJK: Why is he talking about mirrors?

KNJ: Is he trying to be wise?

PJM: It's not working.

RAE: He's trying to act like he cares about programs other than the sports program.

KTH: It's not working.

JHS: We can take this opportunity to discuss what we are going to do tonight.

PJM: What do you want to do, beautiful?

RAE: Besides eat?

PJM: Besides eat.

JJK: You have 7 boyfriends, baby, this shouldn't be hard -

KSJ: Jeon Jungkook!! You pervert!!

PJM: We've done it, Tae!

KTH: We corrupted him!

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