chapter twenty-six.

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Taehyung appeared behind Rae, wrapping his arms around her middle and kissing her cheek gently.

"You look beautiful when you smile." he said to her. She turned red just as she heard Jin call for them to get downstairs. Taehyung and Rae went down together, meeting everyone else in the living room who had all dressed up nicely. Not one of her soulmates was covering his mark, something that made Rae's stomach do flips.

They all divided into groups for the cars, Rae going with Jin, Jungkook and Hoseok this time as she helped him navigate to her Aunt's house. There were several cars at the country house when they had gotten there - one belonging to her Aunt, of course. Rae remembered her mentioning that her cousin was going to be there with her kids as well. She could see the little ones running around in the yard - everything was being held outside because of the sheer amount of people that were going.

"It's Rae and Chris! Rae and Chris are here!" their 5 year old cousin Sophia announced their arrival for them, running up to Chris and Rae.

"You little squirt - you're so big!" Chris said, picking her up and spinning her around. The girls younger sister, who was 2 years old, walked up to Rae and demanded to be picked up.

"You're so big now, Covey!" Rae said to the little one in her arms. Her soulmates watched her with the little one adoringly - Taehyung's mind was reeling.

Taehyung, control your thoughts!

Hyung, you are thinking the same thing as me!

We're all thinking the same thing, alright?

Jungkook was making silly faces at the two year old as her sister introduced herself to literally everyone. Rae and Christopher's cousin Mona, the mother of the two little ones, came to do the same. Her husband Ryan appeared with their Aunt again shortly after, bringing out the first round of food. The food was put on the table and then their Aunt stormed over to Rae, taking her in her arms after Rae transferred Cove from her arms into Taehyung's.

"I can't believe you did a stupid thing like that! You had us all worried sick!" she said to her. Rae felt guilty for worrying everyone and started to feel herself getting sad again. "Smile, I'm just glad you're okay. Now, care to introduce me to the other six?" she asked. Rae nodded, turning around.

"This is Jeon Jungkook, and this is Kim Taehyung. Clearly, Covey is a fan of the two of them already." Rae said, pointing to her two soulmates who were playing with the toddler. She turned again and saw the rest of her soulmates together. "From left to right, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Min Yoongi, and Kim Seokjin. You already know Namjoon."

"You sure got a group of lookers, didn't you?" Her Aunt said, eyes glancing over them all.

"Aunty!" Rae gasped out.

"She's right, Rae. You got a group of lookers for sure. They also haven't been able to take their eyes off of you ever since you picked up Cove." Mona said, coming up next to them.

"You guys are crazy." Rae muttered.

"Nope, just telling you the truth." Her Aunt said.

"I'm telling you Rae, men soulmates seeing their female soulmates interact with children awakens something in them. Most people only have one though - you have seven. Actually, how would that even work?" Mona said, starting to ponder out loud.

"She's going to be very busy."

"Can I graduate first?! Also, who said anything about babies?!" Rae rushed out. Her Aunt and cousin laughed at her as Ryan declared the food was ready. Everyone walked over and dug in - eating their fair share plus more. The little ones finished quickly and waited patiently for their new best friends - Rae's soulmates plus Jisung and Changbin, so it seemed - to finish their food to go play some more.

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