chapter twelve

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warning: mature content, aka smut. i warned yall.

Rae woke up with a sense of dread after dinner. The dinner itself went great, and now she was excited for an Australia trip, but today meant that she had to talk to the boys about her past. She had told Namjoon she wanted to talk to everyone today about it and had suggested dinner at the dorm in the group chat before she had gone to bed. She also had woken up with just one member on her mind, and that was Yoongi. Chris had brought her home the previous night, so she could only just get a kiss from each of them and she had been wanting more of Yoongi.

"You look like someone kicked a puppy. What's up?" her brother had asked her on the way home.

"You're gonna laugh at me." she muttered.

"Even if I do, you'll feel better if you tell someone." he said to her. Rae sighed as he looked over at her, urging her to go on.

"... I miss Yoongi." she said quietly.

"You just saw him."

"I know! But he was upset about something and I couldn't help him!" she practically whined.

"It's okay, Rae. It's a bond thing that happens when you're in a group like you are. It happens to us, too."

"Really?" she asked, feeling validated.

"Yup! The other day, Minho wouldn't let go of Felix all day long. Working was not an easy task that day."

"The other night I was like that with Jin..."

"See? Normal."

That conversation with her brother had made her feel a million times better. She thought that she was just crazy, and trying not to play favorites which made her feel bad, but hearing that it was normal in groups had helped ease some of that. Rae managed to get up and force herself to get dressed, awaiting some kind of signal that her ride was coming. There was a knock on the door and she smiled, seeing Jin on the opposite side.

"Good morning, jagi. Ready to go?" he asked, leaning down and giving her a peck on the lips. She nodded, grabbing her bag and heading out. Jin had breakfast for her as well as milk tea in his car, Rae happily beginning to sip the liquid.

"Jinnie? Is Yoongi okay?" she asked him. Jin rose a brow and mentally nudged the man in question to get his attention before he answered her.

"He just feels bad for yesterday afternoon, jagi." Jin said back to her.

"But it's not his fault. If anything, I should - "

"Stop right there. It's no ones fault, okay? You don't have to tell us anything you don't want to tell us, and if you chose to it can be at your own pace." he said. Rae nodded slowly, going quiet. He examined her close, taking one of her hands in his and giving it a gentle squeeze.

After dinner the other night when she had fallen asleep, before Jin joined her, Namjoon called a meeting between the boys and explained what he dubbed as 'the bond pull', since there was no official name to it. They were all going to start going through it now and the best way to combat it would be just to give in to it, or else the one yearning would just suffer in sadness without the person they wanted. And right now, it seemed that Rae wanted Yoongi. Jin reached out to Yoongi again, this time harder.

Yoongi, get out of bed and get to the company.

Shit, I'll go as fast as I can. Namjoon, come get Taehyung off of me!

With that settled in his mind, Jin turned the topic to Australia. Seeing how happy she was last night about it, he figured it would be a good day to distract her. Rae gushed about it, talking about all the things they could all go do together for fun the rest of the way to the company. Jin was going to meet his brother, so he dropped her off and she went in by herself. Lia hadn't arrived yet as Rae was early, so she went right upstairs to Genius Lab. Using her badge to get in, she set herself up on Yoongi's desk, eating the breakfast Jin gave her as she thought of what to do.

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