chapter eleven.

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Rae started out with a completely new project, copying both tracks into it. Once she did that, she began adjusting the layers, keeping the rough vocals as they were and adjusting according to the vocals. Rae wanted to sample something fun, but didn't know how to get it. She'd have to take down her wall temporarily to ask him, but that meant the others would notice. Mentally she prepared herself and then took down the wall.

Sunshine, I have a question.


Baby! I missed you!

Where were you beautiful?!

Aish - you three be quiet! She asked Hosek a question!

Yes, cutie?

I need a sample. I don't know what, but something fun.

HYBE's sample library is bookmarked on the desktop. Use whatever you want.

Thank you sunshine!

With that, she turned off the connections again so she could concentrate and got back to work. Rae knew the maknae's especially would be upset and sad and that little bit of knowledge hurt her a little bit, but she had to maintain some sense of sanity - especially since right now she needed to concentrate on this. Hobi was trusting her to make the title track for his first mixtape, she needed to put her all in to it.

Before she knew it, an hour and a half had gone by. Hobi was still not back yet, but she needed a break to reset her brain. She checked her schedule for the next day and saw another session with Hobi in the later afternoon, and a completely clear morning. She had one other meeting on her list tomorrow titled 'TxT Brainstorming Session', but not until 1:00, which left her three hours of nothing. Rae remembered Bang PD saying to email Lia to reserve a studio space, so she asked Lia if she could snag her one for the morning until her meetings started to work on some independent stuff.

"I'm back, cutie! And I managed to drag the Genius out of his cave for a visit!" Hobi said with a smile. Rae turned around and saw Hobi and Yoongi piling into the studio.

"You're really driving the kids crazy, pretty girl." Yoongi said to her, pressing a kiss to her lips before turning around and plopping himself onto the couch. Hobi took his spot back in his chair. "Anyway, I'm here to listen to Hope World."

"Oh - Sunshine you're gonna love the sample! I thought of it from the art!" Rae was practically jumping in her seat as she turned around to the computers again, playing the project. The new project played through the speakers with Hobi's rough vocals on top as all three bopped their heads to the beat of the music.

"Well, Producer SUGA, what do you think?" Hobi asked, turning to face Yoongi on the couch. Rae did the same, making sure to take her notes out again and saw Yoongi blush ever so slightly, making her giggle. He hated all the attention on himself, obviously.

"I think you should do a proper vocal layer and then submit it for review tomorrow." Yoongi said. Rae paused her typing and looked back up at him.

"You think so? I only did it really today..."

"Just because you did it today doesn't mean it's not ready. Pretty girl, you had the advantage with this song of already having two projects, you just needed to re-arrange the composition to suit it more. I think it's ready." he said to her.

"You just want her back for yourself." Hobi said to his soulmate, lightly pushing him. Rae let out a laugh as Yoongi grunted, face still red.

"That too, we do have a song to finish after all. By the way pretty girl, do you have time tomorrow?" he asked, pulling his phone out. She wasn't given the chance to respond before he spoke up again. "Pretty girl, you have 24/7 access to Genius Lab, you don't need another studio. I'll tell Lia to cancel it, work in there tomorrow morning. I'll be in around noon and we can do something then."

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