Chapter V

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It had become a tradition - Othiel bringing you presents from time to time; hunted game, baskets of fruit or other goods, such as warm blankets, clothes, very useful candles, and even valuables, which, admittedly, could not be of much use, but were very beautiful and enjoyed eye.

You especially liked the vintage ring with blue stone, you found among the treasure pile. Your aunt quickly pressed it onto your finger.

'It's a real sapphire! If it wasn't for you, we would never have gotten all this, you deserve it. Besides, this creature seems to be giving us gifts because of you, so when you meet again, it'd be better if he sees that you're using them.'

Days passed and you all didn't need to come out of hiding at all, which made some happy, and others (mostly you) a little down. There was plenty of food, the waterworks were still running, so you had plenty of water, and the hideout was safe, thanks to Othiel, who protected you from aggressors.

There were still people, such as your uncle and his henchmen in form of a group of youngsters, led by Vincent, who thought that Roughskin was trying to trick you and in the end he would kill you anyway. However, they were too few to be listened to by the community, satisfied with the improvement of your situation.

Othiel visited you secretly from time to time. He was so good at sneaking into your hideout that you figured he had to do it before. You guessed who he was learning the language from.

You showed him a place in the gallery where there was little chance of anyone seeing him, and he could quickly escape from there through a hole in the roof. From time to time, you had met there, having quiet conversations. 

You explained to him many things about your civilization, and he told you a bit about his own. For example, you had learned that his planet is illuminated by a star that is not as bright as Sun, so he wears goggles to protect his eyes. He also told you that the scars on his arms are traces of plucked feathers. He had similar ones on his legs, though you didn't notice until he showed them to you. Their species, due to the fact that the feathers on the limbs interfered during fights, had removed them in childhood, and the places where they grew were scorched so that new ones would not appear.

'That must have hurt a lot,' you winced as you watched the effects of the procedure. You brushed your finger over the calloused scar above his ankle... 'Still hurts?'

'No, surely not now.' He looked at you, literally melting you with his gaze. Intimidating and embarrassing but happened quite often recently and you get used to it.  'Besides, Roughskins were born to experience pain. Pain shapes us.'

'Aren't we here to experience a little bit of everything?' You asked, still running your finger over his scars.

Othiel grabbed your hand and clawed the ring on your finger, the same one you took from his loot.

'Do you like it?'

'Yes, it's beautiful. Thank you, but where do you get all these things?' You weren't sure if you wanted to know who he was stealing from to please you.

'From a lot of places,' he replied evasively. 'I can get more if you want...'

'No need, really.' You assured him 'That's very kind, but I feel stupid with you helping us so much.'

'Stupid?" he frowned.

'Well... I feel awkward...' You tried to explain. 'You do so much for us, and we don't even have a way to repay you...'

'Your company is my greatest repayment,' he bowed to you slightly. You decided it was time to change the subject.

'Will you tell me about your planet?' you asked. 'What do you call it?'

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