Chapter I

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Aloha 🌺 Sorry for the long delay, but I had to get all the details right before I start posting so I don't have to make corrections later. 

As always, thank you for your support 💜 I wish you a pleasant reading and I encourage you to share your thoughts, feelings and if you find any mistakes 😊)

10 months earlier

'No, Mom, I'm not coming to you for dinner today, I'm going to the hospice with Eliza...' You were standing at the bus stop and talking to your mother on the phone, looking carefully around.

'Eliza who?' mother asked as if it mattered.

You rolled your eyes but answered. 'Eliza from school... I don't know how long it will take us, but I won't feel like going to you later.'

'It's a pity, because Bea and Patrick are coming to dinner,' mother continued. 'Maybe you can come over though.'

'Oh, really? Will aunt Samantha come too?'

'Yes, of course.' You could see the wide smile on your mother's face in your mind's eye. She knew she had you.

'Oh... all right, I'll ask Eliza, maybe she'll lift me up. But I'll be late for sure.'

'It's okay, honey, we'll wait for you.'

'Okay, see you later.'

You hung up and smiled involuntarily. You haven't seen aunt Samantha in months. Together with her daughter and her family, she moved from your town to the capital city, so you haven't seen each other very often lately. She was your favorite and, in fact, your only aunt. It would be nice to see her and Bea your cousin again.

You put your phone back in your pocket and looked around carefully again, looking for a familiar car on the horizon.

April had just begun, the sun was pleasantly warm, and everything slowly started to bloom and spread wonderful smells around. Spring finally came, and with it new energy arose in you. Maybe it was because the vacation was fast approaching, or maybe because of the new project you were so passionate about. Probably not because of that funny blond guy from work who asked you out on a date over the weekend. You chuckled softly at your thoughts.

'Why so happy, huh?' shouted someone nearby.

You turned and saw Eliza's car parked at the curb, her face in the window, she was leaning over the passenger seat. Her red locks glistened in the sun, and her smiling face literally glowed. As always, she seemed to be in a very good mood. 

'It's spring's happiness, I guess,' you said, quickly getting inside the car. 'Apparently did some good to you too.'

'May it last after the visit to the hospice,' she muttered ominously, joining road traffic. 

Due to the emptying of the attic in the family home of all unnecessary things, Eliza decided to give her childhood toys to the hospice. She didn't want to go there alone and asked you to accompany her.

You knew each other from school. She was two years older, but you went to art classes together and somehow you became friends. It wasn't a great or close friendship, just a casual camaraderie, but it has stood the test of time and you've been meeting once a month or two for a coffee and chat.

'What's new with you, dear?' she asked and adjusted the seat belt, which wrapped uncomfortably around her ample shape.

'Everything's all right. Calm at work, even greater calm at home,' you replied.

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