Chapter IV

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You woke up truly fresh for the first time since... you couldn't even remember when. You were surrounded by a pleasant, delicate smell, as if some oriental incense, or perhaps some exotic wood.

You opened your eyes to see the reptile's face in front of you. To your amazement, you didn't even scream out of fear, but only raised your eyebrows in silent surprise. After a while, you realized that it was his skin that gave off that nice smell.

'I didn't mean to scare you,' he explained quickly. 'You were cold. I hope you don't mind?'

'N-no. Thank you, actually.'

He nodded, but he wasn't going to let you go, so you tried to gently pull away from him.

'Uncomfortable?' he asked.

'Comfortable, even very.... ' You were surprised to find that this answer was not dictated only by politeness, but one hundred percent true. You felt completely torn apart. On the one hand, you didn't fully trust him yet, but, apart from the bloodthirsty tendencies of his species, you must have started to like him. Something drew you to him strongly, as if you already knew him. And he was quite attractive, alluring you in a way that was totally out of your control. 'Look, I think I have to get back,' you finished finally.

'You don't want to stay here? You'd be safe with me.'

You blinked in surprise. Did he just ask you to move in with him permanently? Despite the extraordinary nature of the whole situation, you even found it amusing.

'Thanks for the offer, but I can't accept it. I left my family and friends, I need to get back to them.'

Othiel let out a sound like a sigh and finally released his grip. You slipped out of his arms and got off the bed.

'I'll walk you back,' he offered, but seeing your suspicious look, he added. 'If u do not mind.'

You weren't sure if that was a good idea. What if all this time he's been trying to gain your trust so you can lead him to your people? Perhaps he was tempted by the idea of easy and plentiful loot. Even though you knew in your heart that it couldn't be true, you couldn't risk it. Maybe it was better to stay here with him.

'I know where you're hiding,' he said, obviously understanding your dilemma.

You were numb. 'What?'

He tried to grin in the way you had taught him last night, to lighten the situation, but the effect was rather terrifying. 'Don't be nervous, I won't hurt you or any of your people.'


The reptile himself led you to your hideout so that you could see the truth of his words. He knew the way perfectly.

He led you to the very entrance of the building, at what you agreed to, knowing that no one would shoot at him because they had no ammo. You didn't want them to hurt your new friend.

He looked around carefully to see if it was safe for you to go inside.

'Thanks for everything, see you later,' you said, smiling shyly, truly hoping that your paths would indeed cross again.

During the march, he let you know that he had been watching you and your group for a long time, trying to protect you in a way. That's probably why you lasted so long.

In the face of recent events, your doubts about his sincerity have completely vanished, replaced by even greater admiration and sympathy.

'I'm sorry I was so distrustful.'

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