Prologue II

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You were scared.


The creature was looking at you. Despite the goggles on his face, you were sure those eyes were fixed on you. Anyone would be scared at a moment like this, but you figured out that standing still and shaking your pants wouldn't do much.

Something had to be done.

Something that could save your skin.

They said not to get in the way of those creatures, to run a mile from them, and especially not to be cornered... Well, now it was way too late for that, and besides, he was huge, strong, fast... there was no point in escaping from such a force. You need some other idea.

You made your way down the collapsed ceiling corridor, carefully placing your feet among the rubble. The building of the old military base, in which you found yourself to collect the necessary weapons and ammunition, had long passed its glory days. In addition, it was hit by a meteorite, the effects of which you would have admired if not for the fear of life.

No longer analyzing the situation, you just started walking down the corridor, walking straight to him, a creature taken alive from the nightmares of the collective unconscious. Haven't people been afraid of invasion from space for years? 

The creatures that attacked the Earth, although they only showed murderous impulses, must have been highly intelligent, otherwise, they would not have been able to build spaceships. Their technology was far superior to that of humans.

As you slowly approached the alien, you watched him closely, and you could have sworn he was doing the same. You have recalled that extortioners ... at least the terrestrial ones, begin to feel insecure when they do not intimidate their potential prey. Maybe in this case that was the key ... Everyone was running away from them, and you started toward him, pretending to be fearless.

Did you just imagine it or did he seem surprised? He probably expected you to run screaming. After all, not only his appearance was scary; teeth, claws, steel muscles, he was also armed; something resembling a shotgun was attached to his back and several types of knives were attached to his belt. You knew that the Reptiles, as the media called them, were throwing them very accurately.

You felt enormous fear, but at the same time, you couldn't underestimate the primal beauty of this wild and brutal creature. His almost black skin, covered with grey tiger-shaped stripes and greyish feathers on his head and end of the tail - all of that was fascinating. He was wearing a sleeveless dark jumpsuit, which was knee-length, so you could get a close look at the structure of his legs, which seemed to be made just for jumping.

You stopped about two meters from him (in fact, you couldn't be sure if it was a female or male). The creature stood motionless, only the tip of his strong tail, adorned with feathers, was moving.

'Please let me pass,' you said simply. You barely managed to get your voice out of the lump in your throat.

He tilted his head to the side, clearly surprised you spoke, but moved away immediately, giving way to you in the narrow passage.

You didn't believe it was so easy! Without delay you moved forward and squeezed past him, expecting an attack at any moment. However, nothing of the sort happened. You walked on undisturbed, and when you moved away to a relatively safe distance, you turned around and looked back. The Reptile was still standing where you left him, staring at you. You walked on slowly.

You wished you could see his eyes through the goggles ... That was unusual, but you had experienced something similar...

You gasped.

It suddenly dawned on you that maybe he was the same alien that you had met a long time ago, at the very beginning of the invasion.

You turned around once more to examine him closely and compare with what you remembered, but he was gone.

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