~chapter eleven~

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Y/n pov

Its 1am and Heesung and Jay went on their way back to their hotel. Me and my mom walk back inside.

I give my goodnights to my mom and dad before going upstairs to do my night routine and go to sleep.

I settled the printed ticket and the shirt I was given, on my vanity for tomorrow, "I can't believe that was real," I say outloud to myself. Wait- its a soundcheck ticket! they are the best! I squeal to myself as I realized. "How did I get so lucky!" I ask myself out loud. Before drifting off to sleep with happy thoughts.

Heesung's pov

Seeing that surprised look on y/n made me so happy, I'm glad Jay brought that up and thought of inviting her to our show tomorrow, so we can do this again. We got her soundcheck tickets this time.

"Hee..." Jay pauses for a minute before he proceeds to ask, "you like y/n, dont you?" Jay suddenly asks making me whip my head around to him. What... is he asking so sudden... I widen my eyes at his question.

"w-what do you mean Jay?" I asked making sure he asked me what I think he did.

"Do you like y/n? I mean romantically" Jay reiterates the question.

I paused to think. I do feel my heart flutter when she smiles, when she hugged me I also felt my heart pound out of my chest... but I never actually thought about it... Plus we only just met a couple days ago. As of now we are just friends-

"hee?" Jay calls me out of my thoughts.

'hmm, Well- I do feel something towards her" I say unknowingly grinning.

"I-I see," Jay say sounding a bit disappointed, wait- d-does Jay like her too?  I think to myself in shock, we've knock each other and have been friends for a couple years now I know that look...

"J-jay? D-do you like her" I ask jay a bit nervous of his response.

"I'm going to be very honest with you... yes... before I knew she was y/n I saw her and was immediately attracted to her" jay says, making me a bit sad since Jay is her bias, so he might have an advantage.

"B-but you were the one she met first," Jay says.

"Jay... you know I don't know if she has grown any feelings for me yet, she is still getting to know me personally, not idol heesung, but my true self." I tell jay, I don't know if y/n feels the same way about me. And... we only have a couple more days of being here, then we won't be able to see her as much anymore. But maybe I can let fate do it's work.

"I won't give up on her, and if you want to try go ahead, but I'll make sure she ends up with me... in other words, yes... I like her" I say looking into Jay's eyes.

He breaks the eye contact. "I won't give up on her either," Jay says.

I knew he would say something like that, he's stubborn especially when he likes someone, but im equally as stubborn...

I won't loose.

Y/n pov
It's the next day, its 8am, I gets up and quickly go downstairs to ask my parents if they can take me to the venue so i can get a number for the soundcheck vip Heesung and Jay got for me.

I run downstairs and into my parents room, "mom!! Can you take me to xxxx venue to get a vip number?" I asked my mom in a yelling whisper tone since its still early.

"Y/n this early??" She asks a bit annoyed of me waking her up.

"Yes please, I'll explain on the way there" I tell my mom as she gets up from her bed to get the keys. Yes!

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