I woke to see an empty room and a little note on my nightstand.

Smiling to myself I walked out of my bedroom and downstairs to see that all the guys were in the living room talking to each other .

Thankfully they seemed to resolve all there issues and the tension is no longer there .

" Kyle that girl last night was basically begging you to make out with her and you shrugged her off ."Keith said .

" Are you gay ? " He asked, I rolled my eyes .

" Keith leave him alone, not everyone likes to meet people at clubs ."Jordan said .

" Why do you and Kade always have to pick on him ? " Johnny chimed in .

" Hey I don't pick on him as much as Keith does ."Kade said .

" And don't you have a girlfriend ? " Kade asked .

" We broke up a few months ago ."He said .

" Why ? " Kade asked .

" I don't know really ."He said awkwardly, knowing that I'm literally the reason why he has relationship issues I decided to walk in so they'd leave him the hell alone.

" Good morning."I said as I walked in .

" Morning I'm guessing since your room was empty you know that Callie kidnapped Mickey, Rachel and Nicole ."Kade said as I sat down .

" Yes, she sneaks into my room all the time to play with Nicole ."I said .

" Have you guys talked about baby names ? " I asked .

" If it's a boy Collen after grandpa and if it's a girl Audrey after Callie's grandma ."He said .

" What are you hoping for ? " I asked .

" I actually really want a girl ."He said not surprising me at all .

" Really ? " Keith asked .

" Yah I've always wanted a little girl ."He said .

" Johnny what about you, if you were to have kids ? " I asked .

" Honestly I'd really hope for twins , one boy and one girl ."He said .

" Jordan ? " I asked .

" Same as Johnny, we've talked about it before . " He said not surprising me, seeing how they both are with the kids .

" Keith what about you ? " Jordan asked .

"...." He remained silent . Not surprising me
In the slightest, he doesn't think about long term never has.

" I've honestly never thought about it ." He said .

" Of course you haven't ."Kade snickered before looking at Kyle .

" Your up Kyle ." Kade said .

" I want a girl and a boy ." He said without hesitation.

" What about you Selena ? " Johnny asked , we all looked at him .

" Uh Johnny if you didn't realize she has a daughter...." Jordan said as he stared at his brother .

" I know ."He said rolling his eyes .

" When you and Noah found out you were pregnant what were you hoping for ? " He asked .

" Well I was actually supposed to have twins ."I said Kade instantly looked at me, I never told him the only person that knew besides Noah obviously was Kyle .

" You didn't tell me that ."Kade said .

" I didn't see a reason to, I was devastated at first but Noah told me that we were still getting Nicole and that she was our little miracle baby ."I said smiling sadly .

" Do you want more ? " Jordan asked .

" Jordan she has Mickey, Rachel and soon my baby ."Kade said as he looked at Jordan .

" I would actually, at the right time with the right person ."I said smiling as I held my stomach.

" It's an amazing thing having a little bundle of joy in your stomach."I said .

Keith's POV ( 2 hours later )

I looked at her as she talked to Kade and Jordan .

I really am no good for her, she deserves better and I am certainly not what she needs right now.

So why is it even though I know she doesn't want me and I'm certainly not what she needs am I so drawn to her ?

" You need to stop pestering her and let her come to you when she's ready ."Kyle said .

" Do you think I'd really be able to take care of kids ? " I asked Kyle.

" I can't answer that, only you can ."He said .

" Try babysitting Mickey and Rachel and actually getting to know them, there really good kids ."He suggested.

" Rachel loves to play outside and so does Mickey ."He said before walking away .

" Hey Mickey come here ."I called Mickey over who was right across from me .

" What's up ? " He asked .

" What does Kade usually do when he wants to spend time with you and Rachel ? " I asked .

" We usually go to the the park then to eat them we get ice cream ."He said .

" Oh okay ."I said .

" Selena was planning on taking us out tomorrow, do you want to come ? " He asked .

" I'll talk to Selena ."I said not wanting to explain to him that his sister hates me .

" I know she's been mad at you."He said , well nevermind I guess .

" Try making her a little picnic again, she really liked that ."He said before walking over to Callie and taking Nicole .

" Is my little brother really giving you relationship advice now ? " Kade asked .

" Shit I guess so ."I said .

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