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The vessel arrived at The island of
By the crack of the dawn . Neither Tristan or Galahad could sleep as they held each other.

The island looked luscious with flora but still looked deserted. As they landed on the shores Galahad looked at the luscious forest but couldn't help but feel dread.

The faith of Camelot depended on him .
The prophecy to retrieve The Holy Grail .

Tristan came up to his side
"Is this it?" He asked the younger knight who nodded

"Feels strange . Is this how destiny feels like?"

"Feels grand doesn't it,pup. "Tristan said holding his shoulder.

"What if its just a myth . What if I fail?"

"Then we will find a way. I will help you in every steps . We will charge together in camelot and defeat morgana magic or not ." Tristan promised as Percivial and Boris enterd the forest with them.

The forest was beautiful but still very quite. No mammals moved in it and no birds chirped. Just silence.

"Something is wrong. "

Galahad and knights sneaked through the woods but stopped suddenly as he finds multiple gigantic paw print.

"Manticore." Tristan whispered as suddenly there were sounds of various small fees running around them.

The manticores small cat size bodies strided around them . Its body a cross between a lion and a scorpion with a lion's body, legs and paws, the tail of a scorpion and the face of a man. They were brownish in color roundish browny-purple face, with yellow eyes, long pointed ears and and sharp teeth.
It's face contoured into a smile.

"Run.:" Tristan thundered taking Galahads arms and running deeper into the forest followed by Boris and Percivial. But the Manticore were faster .

"Don't let them bite you ." Tristan said as he drew out his swords and chopped off the Manticore nearby. Percivial and Boris both drew their swords and shelid as they surrounded Galahad. There were a dozen Manticore as Tristan realised they were being surrounded . After what felt like hours did they finally slaughter the heard. They were all safe except for some claws marks across their bodies.

Ad they journey deeper into the forest Galahd felt a strange vibe drawing him in

'The purest knight.........is that you.....the chosen one.......' a voice rang in his head

Suddenly they were face with a big deep cave . Galahad stopped .

"Is this it? .........no offence I was hoping for a grander entrance and display then this." Percivial said looking at the cave

"Are you sure pup? " Tristan asked Galahad who nooded.

No one noticed the figure lurking behind them hidden in the trees

Suddenly a creature with the body of leopard and the head of a cobra sprung out the trees with swift speed charging towards Percivial.

Tristan pushes Percivial out of the way and takes on the beast. The beast clawed him in the chest, throwing him to the ground . Galahad watched in horror as the cobras rang punchers Tristans shoulder.

Its venomous bite was said to carry the magic of life and death itself, and as such meant certain death.

Galahad finally found his bearing as he charges towards the beast swinging his sword with such Force which decapitated the beast. Its cobra head rolled on the ground.

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