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Water Gardens, Dorne

94 AC

"Grandmama!" Deria called and Celaena grinned walking over despite her old joints.

It had been years since her wedding, and Dorne had permanently become her home. But following Gabriel's death in 88 AC, she had moved with Allyria to the Water Gardens.

Cassian had married Lady Sabrina Fowler when he was twenty, and they had three daughters, the eldest, Vitoria, marrying Jaime Yronwood, and they currently had six year old Deria Martell and three year old Mason Martell, her Martell great grandchildren.

Cassian had died a year before Gabriel, and so Vitoria was the Princess of Dorne.

Aliandra had married Aemon when she turned sixteen, and they had a daughter named Elaena, the current Princess of Dragonstone, in 76 AC, who was married to Viserys, Baelon and Alyssa's oldest son. They had a daughter named Rhaenyra, born in 93 AC.

Aemon had died in 92 AC, and Celaena was well aware Jaehaerys would have past over Elaena if it wouldn't have infuriated Dorne. Elaena had always been aware of this, which is why she had married Viserys in 91 AC to secure her linage and her right to a Valyrian consort.

Jocelyn Baratheon had proved troublesome, trying to seduce Aemon until Aliandra had her married to Ser Adrian Tarth, removed from the royal court.

Viserys was gentle and kind but he had a core made of iron, the velvet glove to Elaena's iron fist.

Helena had joined the Faith  as a Septa while Jacob was his father's son, only attracted to men. His lover was Ser William Vaith.

"Hello little one." Celaena smiled, ignoring how her chest hurt.

"Grandma, can you play?" the heiress of Sunspear asked the Dowager Princess Consort of Dorne.

"My bones are tired, little sun. But I can tell you stories." Celaena said. "Which one do you want?"

"Valyria, grandmother! Of Daenys and Aerea and Valyria!" Deria demanded.

Celaena coughed. "Very well, Deria. It all started when—"

Celaena choked as pain surged through her chest. She heard Deria's scream and Allyria's cries as her lover rushed over, catching her as she fell.

Most of all, she heard Abraxas's roar of fury as the bond between them began to slip into darkness. Thank you for everything. she whispered down what remained.

I will always remember you. the Silver Fury vowed. My first rider, the person who gave me my name.

"Laena! Laena, stay with me!" Allyria pleaded. Celaena coughed, raising a shaking hand to touch her lover's face.

"Allyria." she whispered, before everything went black.

Other than traumatizing Deria, this was a filler chapter.

I really enjoyed this story, and I hope you all enjoyed it as well. After the Rogue Princess, this is going to be one of the last Game of Thrones stories for a long time.

I really enjoyed writing this story, and I hope you all enjoyed this story as well!

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