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Skies Above Maidenpool

52 AC

Celaena flew Abraxas above Maidenpool, enjoying the freedom of flight and the warm day.

Flying lower to the ground, she noticed hurried activity.

I wonder what's going on. Abraxas mused.

Land please. Celaena requested down the bond.

The silver dragon did that, and Celaena slid off and Ser Olyvar rushed over.

"Princess, thank goodness you are okay." the Bracken Knight sighed in relief.

"What happened?" she frowned.

Maidenpool, the Riverlands

52 AC

While Jaehaerys's Doctrine of Exceptionalism had won over most of the pious in the realm, but not all.

It turned out that some of the women who tended Jonquil's Pool believed that the pool's sacred waters would become polluted if the queen, pregnant with the king's "abomination", were to enter the waters. While she was inside, Alysanne was attacked by three of these women with daggers. 

As only women were allowed in the bathhouse, Alysanne was accompanied only by her maids and septas, who did not hesitate to protect Alysanne by stepping between Alysanne and her would-be assassins. Their shouts alarmed the two Kingsguard knights who stood outside, who burst in and slew two of the attackers, sparing the third for questioning.

Under questioning, the remaining would-be assassin revealed the names of half a dozen more in the order who had helped plan the assault. 

Lord Mooton hanged the guilty women of the order, and planned to hang the innocent ones as well; Alysanne convinced him otherwise.

When Alysanne returned to King's Landing, she gave birth early a son, Prince Aegon, who died three days later.

Celaena wondered if she was considered heartless for not feeling too sad about her nephew's death.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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