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Sandspear, Dorne

Mid 55 AC

Celaena was more than aware of Allyria's breasts pushing up against her back, but she forced herself to focus.

"Relax and breathe. Abraxas can pick up on your emotions." Celaena instructed her crush.

"And the chain?" the violet eyed bastard asked, looking down at the chain that had been looped around to strap her to the saddle.

"It will hold." Celaena smirked. "Abraxas, sōvegon!"

Her dragon friend kicked off with a roar, shooting up and up through the clouds. Celaena laughed, throwing her hands out to run her fingers through the clouds.

Allyria, in contrast, screamed in fright, holding onto the indigo eyed princess with a death grip and burying her face in her back.

"Ria, look." Celaena said, turning to her friend. "The view is worth it."

Allyria hesitantly looked up, and Celaena grinned at the look of awe.

"When they said that the Valyrians were closer to gods than men, I never believed it." Allyria whispered. "Now I do."

With childlike wonder the Dornish lady reached out to run her fingers through a cloud.

"So, I know you arere Gabriel's half sister, but who's your mother?" Celaena asked as Abraxas fell into a smooth, even pace.

"Lady Clarisse Dayne, the former Lady of Starfall. My father is the previous Prince of Dorne, Jason Martell."

"Do you have any siblings?" Celaena asked.

"Maternally, my half sisters are Jessica and Jessamyn Dayne, who were born five years before me, and my half brother Daveth Dayne, three years my elder. Paternally, I have Gabriel, three years my elder. I've always been closer to Gabriel." Allyria said. "What about you?"

Celaena went quiet. "When my mother fled, she left me and Viserys at court with Maegor. He killed Viserys but I was small, so he spared me. I had no one until Rhaena, and she couldn't fit me on saddleback with Aerea and was forced to leave me behind." she sighed, looking up at the clouds. "Jaehaerys and Alysanne I struggle with, Aegon died before I could no him, and I vaguely remember Viserys. Rhaena, despite our sixteen year age difference, is the one I'm closest too. She actually gives me more attention than my mother ever did, and I have no memory of Aenys."

I'm sorry. Abraxas whimpered.

It's fine, I have you know. Celaena said down the bond, petting him.

"To fucked up family lives." Allyria said.

Celaena twisted around to face her, grinning. "To fucked up family lives."

Allyria leaned closer, their lips suddenly brushing. Celaena would never be sure which one of them made the first move, but their first kiss was on dragon back in the sky.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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