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Ruins of Targaryen Manse, Valyria

Early 55 AC

Celaena and Aerea explored their ancestors manse, climbing over the ruins and navigating the halls. They stayed away from the more unsteady parts.

Celaena was content to stay in the manse, but Aerea wanted to explore the greater city. She didn't say this though.

But the Targaryen princesses did find treasure.

Dragonhorns, undamaged books on magic, architecture, laws, and two dozen other topics, artifacts, jewels, gold, preserved dragon eggs, and jewelry.

Abraxas and Balerion hunted during the day, and used their bodies to create a circle to protect their riders at night. Keeping the two princesses in a circle of warmth and protection.

Celaena woke up on the third and final day, and looked around.

Where's Aerea? Abraxas asked, yawning.

I don't know. the indigo eyed princess frowned. Then she spotted tracks leading outside the circle.

"She has a death wish, doesn't she." Celaena snarled, before getting on her feet and following.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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