Marriage Proposals

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Sunspear, Dorne

55 AC

Eventually, Jaehaerys and Alysanne flew down to Dorne once Celaena had recovered. Ser Olyvar also accompanied them to Dorne, reuniting with his charge.

There, Jaehaerys and Gabriel spent long hours in the Prince of Dorne's solar together.

"I would not mind marrying your brother. I would be able to stay close to you." Celaena admitted to Allyria as the two girls cuddled in her room.

"My brother said the same thing. And he prefers men as well." the Bastard of Sunspear admitted.

"He does?" Celaena repeated, surprised.

"Oh he does, he prefers men romantically and sexually, and women just platonically and sexually. His lover is Ser Michael Fowler." Allyria revealed, violet eyes dancing.

"I can't believe I didn't notice it before! They're hardly ever separated!" the indigo eyed princess stated.

The Lady of Starlight laughed, kissing her lover. "I'm surprised you didn't notice as well."

Sunspear, Dorne

55 AC

"So it's agreed?" Gabriel asked Celaena.

"Yes." Celaena agreed. She would marry Gabriel... and be able to stay with Allyria. And to be frank, she loved Gabriel as a brother.

"And we have a method from our ancestors that shall allow for children." Gabriel assured the Targaryen princess.

It was a mutual agreement between Gabriel, Celaena, and Alysanne that one of their daughters would marry Prince Aemon, who had been born only recently.

Rhaena would be leaving Dorne to take up the post as Mistress of Dragons in King's Landing. With the dragon horns, she would be in charge of the care and health of the royal dragons, both in the Dragonpit and the ones living on the Dragonmont.

The Silver Dragon would miss her sister, but she had found a new home in Sunspear.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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