Death of a Mother

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Storm's End, the Stormlands

54 AC

Abraxas's landed in the courtyard, growling at the knights who moved closer.

Rhaena had suggested to Celaena to visit Alyssa Velaryon, and Celaena frowned when she saw Vermithor and Silverwing.

Something's wrong. she knew instinctively. 

Celaena slide off Abraxas's and entered the Baratheon castle. The entire atmosphere was tense and Celaena could smell blood.

"Where are my siblings?" she asked the nearest servant.

The servant gave her directions, and she headed to the room. The indigo eyed princess promptly opened the door and entered.

Her siblings stood glaring at Rogar Baratheon, the man smelling of wine.

"Is something wrong?" Celaena inquired.

The three turned to her.

Alysanne spoke. "Mother's gone into labor, a month early. She's a foot in death's door."

"The Maester has a solution to save the child." Jaehaerys said. "But he would have to cut open Mother." With that, her last surviving brother turned to the Baratheon lord.

"Now chose, Lord Rogar." Jaehaerys said.

Unable to hear it out, Celaena left the room instantly, sending for parchment and a raven. She swiftly wrote to Rhaena, informing her of the situation.

But in the end, even when he was unable to look at his wife, Celaena was later told, Rogar stayed only long enough to tell the maester to save his child.

The rider of Abraxas's was unable to stay in the castle and left to fly on the Silver Fury, only coming back when Jaehaerys called for her.

Their mother was dead, but she had given birth to a girl, Jocelyn Baratheon.

Storm's End, the Stormlands

54 AC

Celaena punched Lord Rogar in the nose, breaking it in one go. She was angry at the Baratheon Lord and grieving for the chance to have made amends with her mother.

The relationship between Alyssa Velaryon and Celaena Targaryen was non existent at worst, and we're related to each other at best. For Celaena was a constant reminder that Vaella was dead, that Viserys was dead, that Alyssa Velaryon didn't even know her own daughter.

And on Celaena's end, her mother had abandoned her and Viserys to Maegor, left her and Viserys to die. Sure, Rhaena had left her behind too, but Rhaena had tried to save her too but didn't have time.

But Rhaena had made amends. The relationship between the oldest and youngest children of the second Targaryen King was close and loving.

But Alyssa Velaryon had not bothered to try and know her. Celaena was angry at her mother, angry that Alyssa couldn't even look at her. 

But Alyssa was still her mother.

The rider of Abraxas grabbed the man's doublet and pulled him close, glaring up at him. "Her blood is on your hands. Her blood is on your cock. She gave you one son, that should have been enough for you. Or was it not? Save my wife, that is what you should have said, but what are wives to men like you? Hear this, Rogar. Do not think to wed again. Take care of the children my mother gave you, my brother and sister who shall grow up with no mother because of you. See that they want for nothing. Do that, and I will let you be. If I should hear even a whisper of your taking some other poor maid to wife, I will get my sister and make another Harrenhal of Storm's End, with you and her inside it."

Rogar brushed her off. "I am not threatened by you, Princess."

"But you are scared." Celaena glared, staring him down and refusing to look away.

Rogar stared back, but he looked away first.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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