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Aliandra Nymeros Martell's POV

The Red Keep, King's Landing

70 AC

Aliandra liked King's Landing—especially since Aunt Alysanne had gotten rid of the stench. She enjoyed playing with her royal cousins, Aemon especially.

Her older cousin could be bold when he wanted to but he was largely quiet, but the two cousins enjoyed spending time together. Enjoying each other's company and playing their own games.

But she noticed a tenseness between her parents, Aunt Alysanne, and Uncle Jaehaerys. She was a child but she not blind—and she knew of the rumors that she would be either Aemon or Baelon's bride. but others spoke of Jocelyn, her half aunt.

Privately, Aliandra didn't like Jocelyn nor did she think that Jocelyn would be a good Queen. The girl was far too stuck up and rigid, sneering at Aliandra and her sibling's Dornish clothing and mocking their customs. Aemon didn't like her to.

"Aliandra." her mother calls and Aliandra hurries to her side, climbing into the window seat next to her. "You understand our visit?"

"It's for the celebration Uncle Jaehaerys twenty second year on the throne, and the twelfth year of Dorne joining the Seven Kingdoms." Aliandra said.

"And." Mother paused, visibly taking a breath. "Your and Aemon's betrothal shall be announced at the feast tonight. You shall stay here in King's Landing while we return home once the festivities."

"I'm not going home?" the twelve year old repeated. "I can't?"

But—but Dorne was her home, Sunspear and the Water Gardens and going to Starfall for the Moon Festival—

"Aliandra." Mother said. "You can come home to visit, but you'll be living here in the Red Keep. You can show Aemon the Moon Festival like you promised."

"I understand." she whispered. "Does Aemon know?"

"He is the Prince of Dragonstone." Mother sighed. "Jaehaerys shall be informing him tonight. But Aliandra, remember this: Marriage does not have to be built on love, it can be of friendship and companionship, mutual respect and caring for each other."

"Like you and Kepa. I've seen you and Aunt Allyria." Aliandra said. "And Aunt Rhaena and Lady Elinor. She said: Due your duty, but remember to find happiness for yourself."

"Of course Rhae said that." her mother sighed.

Later that night, Aliandra squirmed in her seat—right next to Aemon. She wore a white silk gown decorated with gold Myrish lace.

Cassian was obviously bored but was talking quietly with Vaegon, while nine year old Helena, her younger sister patiently sat next to gentle Daella. Her youngest sibling, Jacob was only six, and thus in the nursery.

"You know?" Aemon whispered in High Valyrian, concerned lilac eyes meeting her own lilac.

"I do. Can we try for friendship and respect if we can't find love?"

"We can, I promise." her closest friend smiled.

"Lords and Ladies of Westeros." Uncle Jaehaerys boomed. "Thank you for coming for the festivities! I have an announcement tonight, that will firmly bind Dorne to House Targaryen! My son and heir, Prince Aemon, shall marry my niece, Princess Aliandra Nymeros Martell, when the Princess is seven and ten!"

There where cheers and congratulations, and she saw the look Allyria gave her Kepa. It was a 'I told you so' look.

But Aliandra in particular enjoyed the furious face Jocelyn Baratheon had.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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