Dragon Talk

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Celaena's Apartments, Dragonstone Castle

Late 54 AC

"I want a dragon." Aerea whined, flopping into Celaena's bed, soon after Rhaena had fed her third husband to Dreamfyre.

Both girls had survived Androw Farman's murder spree.

House Farman was nothing but trouble in Celaena's eyes. 

Elissa had almost stolen three dragon eggs if Celaena hadn't caught her, and now Androw had murdered Samantha Stokeworth, Alayne Royce, Lianna Velaryon, Cassella Staunton, Maester Culiper, and Septa Maryam.

Rhaena grieved for her lost companions but when Elinor Costayne arrived with her sons, her grief and depression seemed to have left.

"A dragon is not a pet." Celaena said, looking up form her book.

"I still want one. I want to fly free in the sky with you!" Aerea declared. Her aunt was beautiful, something Aerea had recently discovered.

"Then you have to be brave enough to claim one." Celaena said simply, her indigo eyes going back to her book. Aerea wandered over to the window, and saw Balerion hunting.

She knew deep down, which dragon she wanted now.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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