Carnage: 17

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⚠️ gore, detailed depiction of death??⚠️

Jotaro's pov


I could feel my heart leap out of my chest, as I watched the blood spill from under the door. The 2 stopped and stared in horror, eyes comically wide. All 3 of us froze in fear, unable to do anything.

Okuyasu was the first one to react, his knees buckled unable to hold his weight any longer. Hands over his head and he began to scream bloody murder.

And I'm glad, if it weren't for that awakening call I probably would have just stopped to stare forever, while whatever is in there is hurting Noriaki.

I ran for the door, leaving Josuke to stabilise his friend. I swing the door wide open so hard that the handle bashes into the wall, leaving a hole. I frantically search the room, pacing through the mass of blood.

But Noriaki is nowhere to be found.

Outside the window is the silhouette of a man, the only visible part of him was his eyes. Those petrifying red eyes stared right through me. His eyes illuminate the darkness, clearly portraying the blood of ones loved. And I instantly knew who it was.

He vanished into the night, leaving nothing but crimson behind. Horror-stricken all I can do is stop, stop everything, stop thinking. Dazed i fall to the ground, soaking up the blood around me. Josuke comes running in dragging Okuyasu along with him.

Never would i have ever believed that it was Dio who had done it, the man was malicious but never would i have ever thought he was the devil in disguise. I could hear Josuke's cries fade in as i return to reality.


I never thought Dio could reach such a level, I thought he was just one of the many selfish pricks living on this earth, but he is so much more.


The man is most vulgar, heartless and cold. The most gut-churning man I've ever known to live, he is worse than the devil himself. He is the vilest man i have ever met, and i refuse to have that be the case.


I lift myself off the floor, letting loose of the restriction of the rage running through my veins. Without a second thought, I jump out the window and began running in whatever direction possible till I could no longer hear Josuke screaming.

Into the streets I set off, my eyes pointed off everywhere hunting for the man. I think now everything would have just been easier if I never came looking for Noriaki, and left it as a one in a lifetime sighting and he'd be happy in the depths of the sea, now hes wreaked up in all this havoc.

I come to a stop halfway down the road, leading me to the outside of St. Gentleman's the well-known bakery.

And dragging a sack along the pavement was the one and only Dio, leaving a trail of blood.

"You don't even try to cover that up do you." I point out.

He turns around frightened and panic written all over his face, Its obvious he clearly didn't think too much about what he was going to do after I catch him. I hear footsteps following up behind me, its Josuke and Okuyasu who looks a lot better than he did before.

"ITS THAT BASTARD!!" Okuyasu exclaimed, rolling his sleeves up ready to throw a fist. Alarmed Dio quickly pulled the sack over his shoulder once again and began running. Which did not go well at all, despite those muscles the merman was no match. Not only does he need to carry Noriaki, but his tail as well which is 3 times the length and size of his body.

The 2 teenagers dived on top of the aristocrat, cursing and spitting in his hair. "AUGH" He stumbled but managed to stay up despite the 2 heavy high schoolers on top of him, Dio used to be a rugby lad which meant he was fit enough to withstand a few more bodies.

But could he stand Jotaro Kujo? I then took my turn and leapt onto him sending all 4 of us crashing to the ground, The 2 took the responsibility of holding him down by his arms and feet while I began to turn his face to a bloody mess. He lost grip of the sack Noriaki was in, leaving it wide open.

The merman emerged from the sack, blood pouring down his face. I left the 2 to finish Dio off as I scrambled over to check on Noriaki. "Thank goodness." I sigh relieved, pulling him into my embrace and gently stroking his hair, he did not look at me.

I hear a subtle growl emerge from my shoulder, and felt it vibrate off the back of my body.

Then he slipped out of my arms, and all I saw next was Josuke and Okuyasu dive out of the way revealing the half-conscious brit. And there it was, the contents of Dio's throat spread out all over the pavement. As the merman savagely pulled him apart using his teeth, blood splattered across the setting. You could hear it splashing about in the pit of his jaws, as he pulled another piece of flesh from the dead man.

I stare in horror as my love creates bloody carnage in front of me.

Josuke and Okuyasu huddle up together hiding behind me like timid animals, as the sight plays before us of Kakyoin devouring Dio's guts. Leaving his insides completely hollow and soulless.

He finishes up his regalement, looking up at me with those innocent eyes full of blood and tears. I cautiously approach him leaving Josuke and Okuyasu out in the open, I don't say anything but carefully wrap my arms around him lifting him up onto my shoulder. I look down at the bloody carcass, the body wasn't even identifiable anymore. All that was left of Dio was the crimson sprawled out all over the pavement and chunks of leftover flesh with small bone fragments submerged into them.

He looked like one of those dead whales on the beach that had been ripped up by a shark, to where they were no longer whales. Just clumps of meat that will soon rot, and be absorbed by the sand.


A/N: I'm sorry Dio lovers i didnt want to do this

Down at the shore (Merman Kakyoin X Jotaro)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora