Captivity: 4

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Kakyoin's pov

"We're here." the man announces taking a drag from the burning stick in-between his fingers, i watch mesmerized by the smoke. How exactly does this human technology work?

He notices me watching him with the smoke thing "This thing? its a cigarette, you inhale the smoke into your lungs, want to try?" he says handing me one of the little sticks "smoke in your lungs? that doesn't sound very safe." I concern, looking at the little brown stick in my hand.

"Its not, its a nasty habit of mine but i couldn't care less." He says lighting the cigarette in my hand, despite my worries i try it anyways since this could be a once in a life time experience, i put the cigarette in my mouth, leaving it to hang out of my lips having no clue how im supposed to exactly "inhale" it.

After a while of "smoking" i get bored obviously not knowing how to properly do it, i decided i am to shove the cigarette up my nose. 

"NO, NO, NO, NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" The tall man hurries over to yank the cigarette out my nostril "Im inhaling it."

Time skip brought to you by our lord and saviour Rohan Kishibe

I wait in the woven prison while the Jotaro brings me to his home, The walls are constantly getting caught on my scales and every few seconds i get launched a centimetre up into the air.

You may be wondering how i got into this situation, Jotaro put me in a bag and now we are in the car motor thing. I am in the compartment which the humans call "the boot." Which is quite fun, ive never been inside of a boot before. Ive found some at the bottom of the ocean but i never managed to get inside of them, they were way too small. Maybe its a special ability humans have, to get inside boots.

I assume we've arrived as all the movement in the boot has stopped, to which i am relieved because i need to get the hell out of this bag.

Just when i think its all over im wrong, suddenly im lifted up from out the boot. "JOTARO, JOTARO I THINK IVE FALLEN OUT OF THE BOOT." I start cutting the bag with my nails, thank god i can see light, oh and Jotaro's face.

Jotaro's pov

"BE QUIET, DO YOU SERIOUSLY WANT ME TO GET CAUGHT, ALSO STOP BREAKING THE GODAMN BAG PEOPLE WILL SEE YOU." i catch my neighbour from across the road watching me with a very sceptical expression, I hurry to get inside the house.

"So, where's the food you promised?" The merman queries already broken his way out of the bag, "I told you not to break that".

"Im sorry, im just really hungry i haven't eaten much, since your kind just loves fish so fucking much." he scowls

"Okay, tell me what the hell that is supposed to mean."

"You humans are so selfish, you've taken half of the fish in the sea and because of that i haven't been able to catch a meal in days, your land animals for god sake just eat what's on the surface."

The audacity of this merman, i swear to god. Who the hell does he think he is, im the one who's about to feed him, im the one who healed him. How dare he talk down on my kind like that.

"Might i remind you im the one feeding you right now, plus i never fish it was just that one time I was asked to go find some for a friend."

The merman smirks, chuckling at himself "Take all the abalones you like, fucking ugly things they are." he admits, hes certainly not wrong about that.

I take some tuna from the cupboard, i grab 6 tins not sure on the amount he should be eating, hes pretty big so i assume this should be enough for him. I return back to the living room to find him playing with the remote, i set the tuna down beside him. Before i know it hes downed all 6 tins. "You sure are hungry aren't you?" he nods and goes back to playing with the remote.

I look at the empty fish tank sat upon the cupboard and back at Noriaki, I don't know how exactly i should propose this to him, like many animals im sure he wont appreciate being in captivity. But maybe if i were to look after him he would agree to it, it would only be a little while to research him and then id let him free as soon as im done.

"Hey Noriaki, i have this fish tank and i want to check out the size, do you think you could try fit in it for me?" he looked at me with a doubtful expression "what are you going to put in there?" He interrogates. "Just some sting rays, you see im a marine biologist, i research and help rehabilitate sea life, i mean no harm to them or you."

"Well, okay then..." He nervously crawled towards the cupboard and hesitantly waited for assistance, I lift him up and place him in the fish tank. "So how is it, you fit inside alright?" He doesn't reply, i close the lid locking him inside.

"HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING, OPEN THIS." he begins to claw at the glass walls, leaving scratch marks all over them. I nervously went to grab my notepad, not sure if the fish tank would be able to contain the enraged merman. "Im sorry Noriaki, just for a while okay? ill give you all the food you want." I sit down beside the tank, observing the gills on the side of his neck. Rapidly moving up and down as he struggles to escape. A sense of guilt washes over me, i should have ordered a bigger tank, but of course i had no idea id end up capturing a mermaid.

"Your going to regret this Kujo, just you wait."

I try to ignore his remark, checking the time on my watch. I should probably get to bed, I anxiously head up stairs closely watching the merman on my way up. He glares back at me menacingly, I reach the top of the stairs and make my way to the bedroom.

As i try my best to drift off his words come back to distress me "your going to regret this Kujo." what could he possibly do locked up in there? yeah, sure there were a few scratches on the glass, but thats tempered glass there's no way hes getting out. After finally convincing myself im safe in my own home, I manage to fall asleep without worry.

Down at the shore (Merman Kakyoin X Jotaro)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu