Enemy: 10

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Jotaro's pov

It had been a while since i last went out to sea, i dont think Noriaki understands how dangerous it is to be following me.

I picked up the newspaper from the cabinet, it had become a recent habit for me to read the news on the toilet. Not too sure why, i feel like one of those fat old men on the TV. I suppose thats partially true, i am getting older. I worry sometime im wasting my time lazing around doing nothing, maybe morioh-cho wasnt the place for me. But its not like theres anywhere else that i could care for, no matter where i go ill still be lazing around now theres nothing for me to fight for. Even after ive achieved everything i cant maintain a happiness. Its been so long since i last saw my daughter Jolyne, how old is she now? 7? maybe 9? Im sure shes old enough to deny me if i ever were to come back.

I felt my mind drift as i began to think of the more depressing aspects of my life, i refocus myself on the newspaper Infront of me, As well as pushing the biggest and longest shit out of my ass.

"BIG NEWS!! MERMAID CAUGHT, COAST OF MORIOH." huh? am i reading that right? how could i have missed that? theres no way its just a hoax, the daily mirror always has some bullshit to say.

Thats until i saw the picture, that clearly illustrated Noriaki on the front cover. It was hard to see his face as the image was clearly taken without consent, but i could recognise those scales from anywhere, not the mention his quirky little hair style which was blurry but easy to decipher.

I continue down the page to find out more info "Dio Brando, British aristocrat one of the most wealthiest fishermen at morioh-cho spotted the Merman not too far off the coast, the merman was nearby his boat and thats when Brando caught him. The merman is currently at Brando's home mansion, in a well fitted tank until Biologist arrive to conduct research on the specimen."

Holy shit.

"GOD DAMN YOU DIO!" I express my frustration by throwing the news paper down the toilet, along with my shit. I began repeatedly banging on the flush handle, forcing the wad of papers down thus clogging my toilet.

That selfish bastard.. Has he nothing better to do in his life other than being a problem? Poor Noriaki must be pissing himself right now, especially having seen the face of that horrifying man. In the paper it said Biologist were going to conduct research, ill assume thats not marine biology since you cant really be sure what to categorise a humanoid fish thing. That means theres nothing i can do to stop this, and even if so what are the chances of that research being in my department.

I cant let them take him away, its immoral he belongs to the sea. God knows what they'll do to him, they might start cutting him up, putting his organs on display and all sorts of morbid stuff. I dont even want to think about it. I need to rescue him, but how could i possibly do that? Theres no way im breaking into Dio's home, pfft his mansion is probably covered in gold plated security cameras. I need a different approach but what could i possibly do?

And then a gut wrenching thought came to mind. Theres no way i could befriend Dio, the image of me being friendly to Dio doesnt exist, and shouldnt exist. The idea makes my nerves sting. But what other choice do i have? Im guessing ive not much time till the biologists arrive, and its not like im an aristocrat with a ton of tech or bribe money. I guess its the only realistic option i have, i just need to keep this in mind.

I am doing this for Noriaki, and Noriaki only. With him in mind it will be okay, as im devoting my time to saving Marine life, as well as avoiding a lawsuit.

But how? its practically impossible. I dont think i can actually be nice to the man, and besides would it not be weird for me to suddenly be kind towards him after getting in the news like that? Id seem like i was after something. Oh fuck it, theres not much else i can do. I dont really care about my social status, ill just befriend him and take his godamn fish. "Its not that hard, stop pussying about Jotaro." I discipline myself.

Right then, lets begin this rescue mission. I can only go to the docks and pray to god i see dio there, thats something id never thought id wish for. I quickly wipe my ass and wash my hands, heading out for the front door, still in my scruffy sleep shirt which was drenched in sweat.

"Hey Jotaro, howss it going??" Josuke appeared Infront of me, god sake it be Josuke. "im busy, ive not got time." and i continued past him storming towards the beach, where i could already see a crowd of people. And what do ya know? Dio was in the centre of the crowd, reporters and admirers fighting for a chance to speak to him.

"Whys everyone surrounding that prick? whats so neat about him?!."

"Why are you still here?"

Without my knowledge Josuke had seemed to invited himself to come along with me "AH..Sorry ive not a lot to do, I didnt mean to bother you." He bows apologetically.

"What do you know about Dio?" i sternly push. Josuke's expressions became unreadable, but if i were to make a guess id say he looks as though hes guilty of crime."

"Well uh, PLEASE DONT TELL MY MUM ABOUT THIS... but uhm me and Oku went out for a pint, and we were actually talking about you.. and your friend, NOTHING TO OFFEND YOU. But as we were having our conversation Dio i assume, that blonde guy, butted into our conversation and started questioning us about what we were talking about. BUT HE WAS BEING A PROPER DICK SO WE SHOOED HIM AWAY."

"I see, i appreciate your honesty Josuke." I simply reply to him.

"So.. your not going to tell my mum, are you?"

Down at the shore (Merman Kakyoin X Jotaro)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat