Realisation: 14

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Author's pov

2 months had passed and all the craze about the mermaid eventually died down, and as to where he went remained a mystery. Jotaro and Kakyoin had stayed at the speed wagon foundation for a while until it was safe to move. The 2 moved back into Jotaro's house, the both of them agreeing its too dangerous for kakyoin to return to the waters, and Jotaro needing a reason to keep paying bills. In the meantime, Jotaro got a promotion due to his excessive amount of time and work at the office, thus him being able to afford to keep Noriaki in his house and look after him properly. With the help of the terrible two, Josuke and Okuyasu, They managed to move back in comfortably

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Okuyasu exclaimed pointing at a picture in the instruction booklet.

"hmm, i think we need screws.. JOTARO WHERE ARE THE SCREWS?!" Josuke yelled to the other room.

There Noriaki sat pleased with himself, in a half-built tunnel along with 2 screws shoved up his nose. "i dont know, i think they might be in the bag." the merman tilted his head and smiled."Give me that you little shit." Okuyasu demanded, stepping over the masses of unassembled tanks, and yanking the screws out of Noriaki's nostrils. "oww!" he yelped as a long string of snot and blood came out of his nose

"Here let me try." Okuyasu said sticking the screws inbetween his teeth and top lip "Look am a walrus arf arf!" he mimicked clapping his hands together.

"Bro that's rancid." Josuke commented as he assembled one of the many tunnels. In came Jotaro with a wet towel "stop fucking about you 2." he simply said but with harsh intent, earning a sigh from the 2 infants. He wrapped the damp towel around Noriaki's tail and fetched another for his body.

Kakyoin's pov

"BRRR I'M COLD, ITS COLD JOTARO!" i exclaimed, wincing at the cold towel im swaddled in. "Deal with it." he walked over and sat by Josuke examining the booklet he was reading, I watched as Josuke tensed and straightened up as Jotaro came close to him. Im not all too sure what the deal is, but from what ive learned there's a complicated family tree. I think Josuke wants to make a good impression on Jotaro as im sure hes the result of somebody's affair.

The last few days Josuke and Okuyasu have been coming over to help build up my tunnels, so i can access other areas of the house without Jotaro's help. I like Josuke and Okuyasu, although Okuyasu is a bit loud and scary they're both really funny, especially when they come as a pair.

"Finally, its finished," Jotaro said after placing the final screw into place. "I TOLD YOU IT BELONGED THERE!" Okuyasu yapped over to Josuke. "I TOLD YOU THAT SCREW WAS MEANT TO GO THERE, AND YOU DOUBTED ME."

"Jeez sorry bro, it just didn't look right to me."

"IM NOT SO STUPID AFTERALL, AM I!?" Okuyasu boinked Josuke on the head, flattening his pompadour.

The room turned to silence, as a deathly tension rised in the air. "why.. you... W-WHY YOU BASTARD!!!" Josuke swung at Okuyasu, and before he could even dodge, his face was met with a cold hard fist. Okuyasu fell to the ground, and Josuke launched himself at him for one more.

"Josuke, get out my house and calm down for a minute." Jotaro sternly commanded causing Josuke to suddenly stop. With a clenched fist, he quietly stormed out of the house. Leaving the rest of the party in awkward silence.

Jotaro isnt one to tolerate the stupidity of the 2, but as we've all been spending more time together i think hes softened up a bit. Hes not as rude as he was id say, and neither awkward. Im glad because i like these people, and i consider them my friends. I hope we can still hang out more even after we've finished building.

Okuyasu stood up and headed for the door "Im going to go apologise."

"You should wait." Jotaro replied"

The door slammed, and now Okuyasu was gone too, Leaving the 2 of us alone. "Lets get you in here." Jotaro spoke, picking me out of the tangles of towels. He carried me over to the opening of the tunnel, which was like a small pool but much more stable than the inflatable one.

"Try it out." i nodded and nervously began to swim through the tubes. The tunnels were made of glass so i could see which room im in, and so Jotaro could see and rescue me if i ever got too fat and got stuck in the tubes, i hope that never happens.

I swear i could see Jotaro cheer on the inside through the reflection of his glossy blues, he broke into a smile and quickly hid it by pulling down the crown of his hat. My heart fluttered at the sight, i swam towards Jotaro- or as far as i could to him, and pressed my hand on the glass, spreading my fingers out into a fan.

Jotaro came forward, now i could see every detail of his beautiful face. He placed his hand where mine was, and spread his fingers out into a fan too. The contrast between our hands made me realise. His hands are flesh, whereas mine are rubbery, His fingers have space between them, mine are webbed. His nails are short and unharmful, whereas mine are sharp and dangerous.

This hurt, this really hurt. How could i ever have been be so foolish as to fall in love with a human? Our relationship is impossible. as that thought came into mind i felt my heart break, smashed against the wall and shattered into a million pieces. I had completely lost all sense of reality, ive been immersed in my little fairy tale for so long.

Jotaro could never love me, and i could never love Jotaro. We are incompatible and thats that, theres nothing i can do about it. this is wrong, Its wrong, very wrong. He is meant to be in love with a human, not such a creature as me. How could i have been so stupid as to dream such a thing, ive deluded myself all along. I need to stop this now.

I could see the concern in Jotaro's eyes as my facial expression changed. "Whats wrong Noriaki?" he queried, i quickly switched to a smile and shook my head. He seem to relax more now but still a hint of worry, but i couldn't.

How could i ever stop loving such a man, as beautiful and as brave as Jotaro Kujo?


A/N: tysm for reading, i apologise my present time readers for taking so long to upload. I come home from school and i have 0 motivation. it usually takes me 2 days to write a new chapter recently its been taking 4-5, and my chapters r pretty short only 5 minute long. Luckily thr holidays are coming up so ill have more time and energy to write

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