Confession: 15

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Kakyoin's pov

"Are you alright? you've been acting weird." Jotaro says, pouring a tin of tuna into a small bowl.


"You've been a lot more quiet than usual, and you haven't been eating as much." i look down at the previous bowl of tuna, realising i hadnt finished it i quickly scooped some up, and poured it into my mouth. Although i didnt feel hungry.

"So.. by that i assume you want this one too?" he gestures to the bowl in his hand, i nod although i dont think i could eat anymore. It had been on my mind for a while, the reality check. The fact i could never have Jotaro Kujo crushed me, slow and painfully. like a cold hard pressure weighed on my heart, just waiting to explode and paint the walls of my ribcage an even darker shade of red.

I havent slept for 2 days now. its all i could ever want, me and him together, but the fact we could never eats me up and alive. Especially at night when Jotaro isnt around, I feel lonely. But i have all the friends i need. Its just.. im so different to them, Im not like them and i never will be. I will always an inferior fish, could they even consider me their friend?

"Noriaki.." Jotaro frowned, he sat beside me on the couch, pushing the wet towels away from his side. "You know you can tell me, i couldn't judge you if i wanted to."

I want to confess, I want to tell Jotaro everything thats on my mind. But how could i, it would only make things weird. Plus how would he react to his pet fish having feelings for him, i scoffed. Accidentally out loud, strengthening the attention and concern of Jotaro. "Its nothing, its a seasonal thing." i quickly excused.

"Tell me more." he stares intensely

God, how am i supposed to make this up, "Im just adjusting to the weather, its warmer on land." I say, reluctant to eat the 2nd bowl of tuna. "Thats not true." Jotaro quickly fired back

"And how would you know." i stern

"Because im a marine Biologist."

"Oh right i keep forgetting that." I turn away, forcing all my attention on the tuna. Not wanting to look at Jotaro's expression.

"Something is wrong, your unhappy arent you. Its common for fish to develop depression in new habitats, Noriaki are you depressed?."

I note to myself to look up what depression is once we're finished this conversation, for now ill pretend i understand. "No, its not that at all. I dont know what your talking about." quite literally.

"Your upset and i know it, your acting different. Just tell me and i can help you."

godamn it why wont he stop, "Please just leave me alone, im fine." i reassure him, keeping my emotions in check.

"No your not."

I cant take it anymore, why wont he stop pestering? Cant he see i dont want to talk about it, cant he just respect that? This is really overwhelming for me, i dont want to keep lying like this.

He grabbed my face and pulled me into his gaze, where i was met with a serious look of worry. The sight of it was too much to take, it is disheartening to see such an expression on such a beautiful face. Not only that, but its all my doing.

Before i knew it tears were streaming down my face, i didnt want it to come to this but i have no other choice. He wipes my tears and pulls me into a hug, gently stroking my hair comfortingly. I think im gonna have to confess

"I love you."

"I love you too Noriaki, your my best friend." he chuckles

"No, no you dont understand". I pull away from him, wiping the tears off my face. He stares at me confused. "Jotaro, i really love you, I want to love you. But we are too different." i tremble, holding back my tears.

"You love me? like romantically love me? Thats what all this is about?"


he displays a look of uncertainty, before pulling me into a hug. "Yare yare daze, im fine with that. Its not like ive anyone else to look after." he sighs.

"You feel the same way that i do?" i look up at him expectantly, he hesitates but then silently places a hand on my shoulder.

"It is weird isnt it. Your a Mermaid and im a human, not to mention the fact we're both men. But ive nobody else, and we connect well. I think it would be best to have you by my side." he replies

that wasnt the answer i was looking for but im sure it means good. "I want to be yours, and you mine. Please tell me you love me." I plead, on the verge of another round of tears. I just want to hear it, again, and again.

"I love you Noriaki. not like most lovers do, but in my own way. im not very good at expressing love or affection, i dont even know what it is too well. But i love you, thats all i can say."

"I accept that." i accept the fact ill never understand Jotaro's ways. somehow we are alike and different, and that can fit nicely into the fantasy.

Jotaro's pov

"Im happy." the merman states, resting his head on my lap. I guess this means im to pursue a mermaid. Its strange, and i honestly dont know how to go about it. But he is one of the only people i can stand, and actually enjoy his company. I think it would be good for me, distract myself from my woes of life.

I rest my hand on his head, wrapping locks of crimson around my fingers carefully, (i wouldn't want to tug too hard and make him cry out loud would i?)

"ive been dreaming about this for some time." he weakly smiles. "a bit corny to say but thank you, for making my dream come true. Im truly elated." timidly he propped himself up to my level, and shyly moved towards my face. I think i know whats going to happen next.

Erasing the space between our lips, the border had been broken. I feel my face light up as we shared the sensation, which was now travelling within and out through our bodies, Like a swarm of butterflies had entered my stomach. i felt relieved.

we pulled apart. the warmth of his lips disappearing, and pulling me back into reality. All that is left is 2 flustered faces. I get quick a glimpse of Noriaki's shocked face, before he quickly turns to hide himself.

"I cant believe i just did that."

I silently shuffle over to his side of the couch, and wrap my arms around his cold, wet body.

Down at the shore (Merman Kakyoin X Jotaro)Where stories live. Discover now