Brando: 11

113 9 22

Jotaro's pov

I push my way through the crowds of people, each an everyone women gasping as i pass by. I could hear a snarl coming from Dio, he must be nearby and jealous, im stealing his female attention. And i couldnt care less.

"Nice seeing you here Jotaro, happen to have heard about my success eh?" he smirked, he had women coming from left right and centre, fighting for the place at his side which was already claimed by two overly dressed sluts. Who were now looking at me with hungry eyes, it makes me feel sick.

"The Merman, i want to meet him."


He stares blankly at me before playing his wicked laugh "HAHAHAHA, ITS NOT LIKE YOU TO APPROACH ME! WHATS WITH THE SUDDEN CHANGE? KUJO FINALLY LIGHTENED UP EH?!?!" he howled clearly amused with himself, the sound causing physical damage to my ears. But i try to keep my cool, and let him continue.

"I must admit, im interested as to why YOU, JOTARO KUJO is actually asking ME, DIO for a favour, i thought you were supposed to be the independent solitary guy." He once again cackled at himself, the ladies began to take his side and join in his laughter, it is true i have a reputation for being anti-social and boldly refusing chatter with everyone and anyone.

"Isnt it obvious Dio, im a marine biologist. I thought you already knew that, or did you forget? inhaled too much hairdye?" I remarked, continuing this passive aggressive phase. He scoffed, spitting on the ground "Perhaps i did Kujo, id be glad to show you my merman." He sternly replied. "But ill show you at a later date, im busy right now."

"No. I want to see him now."


"What was that? you say you want to see him right now? Cant you just be patient Jotaro, is it not obvious to you that im currently busy?" He glared, wrapping his arm around the lass next to him. I honestly dont give a shit Dio.

"You dont look too busy to me Dio, we both have plenty of time so why dont u show me the Mermaid now." I force a smile gritting my teeth, while trying to keep my tone to a low. I can see him think for a second before letting out an exaggerated sigh.

"Very well then." He turns to one of the girls and kisses her on the neck "We will have to continue this later wont we." He seductively whispers to her, i hold down a gag watching the pathetic woman shudder at the interaction. I'll never be able to understand whats so great in him, what exactly makes him a lady magnet. I suppose his looks but it should be clear from miles away to any dumb naïve woman that hes just a massive prick, and hes full on his ego.

"Alright lets get this over with." We both walk to the car park, i could already tell which car was Dio's. It being the one and only Tesla with a personalized registration plate which plainly said "D1O" on it. "This is my car by the way." He proudly points to the car with a dumb smile smeared across his face, i say nothing and get into the car. "Please no farting on my leather seats, i dont want u to stink them up, Okay?" he chuckles, that was not amusing, not at all is this man amusing. I sit in silence until we arrive at his mansion

Timeskip brought to you by Jotaro the deftones fan

So we end up at Buckingham Palace, which is in fact Dio's mansion of course because this is Morioh-cho in Japan and factually not London which is of course somewhere in England. But it could easily be mistaken as Buckingham Palace just by looking at the window count, and the fancy architecture surrounding the place. I knew Dio was a British aristocrat but jesus christ he might as well be part of the royal family.

"You look rather shocked Jotaro." He sarcastically says to my default face. "I didnt know you were part of the Royal family, Dio." he didnt quite catch the joke, grandly laughing "Im afraid im not, but i understand why a commoner like you'd mistake it." he completely missed the joke,

We enter through the big metal gates, passing all the neatly trimmed hedges shaped into all sorts of patterns. The doors are atleast 10 times taller than the both of us, i dont see the need for all this. Especially it being just being Dio living alone, does one person really need all this space? "Hurry up and get in, i know your impressed but its getting cold for god sake. If you dont hurry im leaving you out here." He interrupts my thoughts

I just realised how stupidly fixated i was on this place, i shouldnt seem so astonished by this stuff and especially if it belongs to Dio, I will never look up to him and i refuse to be looked down upon, he can go fish for compliments from his followers.

"Would you like some tea? hoetaro- OOPS JOTARO, sorry my mistake hahahahahahaha." Dio smirks, stupidly grinning. He is so boring, the only thing amusing thing about that sentence is he is willing to offer me tea, God knows if he will actually make it. I wouldnt be so surprised if he had Servants to do it for him. Or a hoe perhaps, thats probably why he made that mistake in calling me hoetaro. Since hes so used to getting people who lack self respect to do shit for him, manipulative little prick.

"Where is the merman."

"You know Jotaro.., its pretty rude to disregard your host like that, where are your manners? why so eager to see the Merman? Ive always been a good acquittance to you, I dont see why you need to be so blunt all the time, are you only talking to me now to see my Merman. Is that all you really want?"

God why does this guy have to pick up on so much, dont you realise Dio i have no interest in chatter. Im a marine biologist for god sake, cant he assume im here for formal research purposes? Do i really have to respond to every sentence that flies out of his gob?I suppose i cant cause any conflict with him, I do really need to see Noriaki afterall.

"Please excuse me, I didnt realise i was being so rude."

"Thats exactly what i like to hear." He chuckled to himself, knowing hes back in control and of course receiving an apology from a Marine Biologist.

"The Merman is in the pond, if you go straight down and turn left it will lead you outside to the back garden, Dont take too long, I dont make tea for just anyone Kujo.

Down at the shore (Merman Kakyoin X Jotaro)Where stories live. Discover now