Creature at sea: 1

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Jotaro's Pov

The sun begins to rise, commencing a brand new day. And how do i plan to spend this wonderful day? On a boat, working my ass off trying to catch abalones. Tonio has asked me to go catch them since i own a boat and I'm a marine biologist, and they're apparently very difficult to catch . I don't exactly know why he needs them, he claims he can cook some special dish that can cure certain disabilities.

Honestly i don't mind spending a few hours by the ocean, its the only time i have to wind down and relax. I usually come out here on the weekends during my spare time, but its fishing season meaning the coast is lined with boats. And i don't particularly enjoy the sound of boat motors taking over my ears, those idiots should know their scaring off all the marine life with those noisy engines. If it weren't for them id probably have a net full of abalones right now.

I let the sounds of the sea hitting my boat take over my mind, its such a lovely day. I wish i were sailing in a peaceful canal, rather than being surrounded by noisy and ugly boats. The sun soothes me to sleep and before i know I've drifted off into the dream world. I wonder what Josuke is doing right now, probably something stupid. Thats not something i wanna think about.

I wake up from a cold splash of water, what the shitting hell? I shot up out my seat, and quickly scan my surroundings. That's strange the waters completely still, where the hell did that come from? I look over to my net and see what ever the hells inside, is thrashing around like its life depends on it.

"Finally some abalones, i can go home now." I unconsciously state relieved, I began pulling the net out the water, these abalones sure are heavy, you owe my your bloodline Tonio.

Okay well those aren't abalones.

It seems ive got a shiny green eel in my net, but its surprisingly big and last time i checked green eels are ugly little things, this one looks to be very different. I remove the net to reveal the creature.

Okay well that's not an eel.

No fucking way, the creature illustrated Infront of me is human, no not quite. The creature's top half is just like mine, a red haired man with one abnormally long strand of hair resting the on side of his head, but then as my eyes move further down his lower half is not at all human. Hes got a tail covered in shiny green scales, and a small dorsal fin placed on his back.

Blood begins to seep into the wooden floor, he must be injured. I can study this creature later but first i must tend to his wounds. I quickly grab the first aid kit from under my seat and began looking for the wound. Hes got a large cut on the side of his stomach, he must have hurt himself in the net, noticing his sharp nails. I take the disinfectant from the first aid kit "Okay this is going to hurt, but it will stop you from getting an infection." I pour the bottle over the wound, and the creature cries out in pain.

He begins to flop around, obviously not being very mobile on land. I try hold him down so i can further attend to his wounds but as soon as he's free from my grasp, he disappears into the dark depths of the ocean.

What the hell was he? he couldn't have been human, nor could he have been fish. I head into my cabin and retrieve my marine life encyclopedia, i began flicking through the pages to see if there were anything that closely resembled his species. But i had 0 luck, I couldn't find anything relatively close to him.

It could be that my mind was playing tricks on me, it is really hot out and this overwhelming salt air wont be doing me any good, but i don't know. The skin on his stomach felt so real, just like human skin. I have no idea, but maybe i should look into it. Im invested now, i want to find out what that was. Ive just gotta know now, anyways i should focus on catching these abalones. I wont make any progress with the net still on board, OH YEAH THE NET.

I quickly pick up the net, and began to inspect it. Seeing if there were anything clues that could help me discover the creature, but there was nothing that could help. He must have accidentally got caught in my net, he probably will have panicked and accidentally hurt himself. Especially with those nails, might as well just have had blades stuck to his fingers. I didn't realise how dangerous it could be handling that creature, those claws could have easily sliced an artery.

Once im done with this abalone quest, ill come back here and look around. Maybe after fishing season, i dont think the creature would want to hang around here with all these desperate fishermen. I turn to my net, to see it still laid on the floor. But beside it is a pile of abalones, huh? how did they get there? I certainly didn't catch them, hell my nets not even in the water. So how could they have gotten there?

I look over the side of the boat, just to get a glimpse of the green tail i saw before. Could he have brought them here? No, why would he? Hes a wild animal, why would he have such morals. But there's no other explanation, so ill just settle with that theory. I guess this means my job here is done for today, i can get these abalones to Tonio and finally go home. But as for that man my job here isnt done, Im going to come back and find out the ocean's secret. And i wont rest until i do so. I suppose its just my strong will as a marine biologist, but it feels as if im fated to find out.


A/N: so here we are back with a new Jojo fanfic, this is heavily inspired by some of the mermaid aus ive read on ao3. This time writing ive come up with a plot to follow, so hopefully this should be better than the last fanfic i wrote, and wont crumble to bits.

The whole idea of joot looking for abalones was inspired by thus spoke Rohan kishibe, when Rohan and Tonio tried to illegally fish abalones but in this au its legal because i said so. I think im gonna try involve some more part 4 characters as i want a few different things going on , so its not solely one path. I dont know how to explain it but its just so the story isnt one plain objective. If y get what i mean?

Down at the shore (Merman Kakyoin X Jotaro)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt