"No. Turn it off," Jimin interrupts. Just as Hoseok is about to comply, your father lets out an exasperated sigh.

"Wait, wait. Hear me out."

"I'm not turning Y/N over to you. That's that."

"Your crew is at risk not only to the war, but to alien life as well. I would keep Y/N safe, she just wouldn't be with the crew."

"Exactly. Even if you're telling the truth and you would hold up your end of the bargain, you're responsible for the death of my fath-" Jimin breaks off, taking a shaky breath and clearing his throat. "You are responsible for the death of Captain Kim Namjoon. I refuse."

"One life for the rest of your crew. That's a poor decision, maybe Namjoon made a mistake making you captain."

Jimin goes silent, and from your angle, you can see he's turning red. "You do not get to say his name," he whispers. For a moment, you're genuinely scared of Jimin. You've never seen him so angry. What's even worse is that he's not yelling or screaming; he still seems completely in control.

"Please, she's my daughter, I need her. I want to see her again," your father tries, but Jimin brushes it off.

"I won't let her go."

Your father stays silent for a few moments, then starts to chuckle. "Oh, is my fatherly instinct right? Have you come to care for the girl?"

Jimin's nails dig deeper into his palms. "She has a name."

"Yes, Y/N, is she someone you care for?" your father asks. You can hear the drawl in his voice from his time on Mars.

"Y/N and I's relationship has nothing to do with this. I'm looking at this logically. I'm not trading one member of my crew for a chance of safety from the same people who murdered our Captain. You're nothing more than a monster. Cut him out, Hoseok." Your father tries desperately to get Jimin back, but he doesn't answer. He whips around and storms out of the room, not giving either you or Jungkook a glance.

Hoseok cuts the connection, and as soon as he does, Jungkook clears his throat. "Set us down on Kepler, Baekhyun."

The Pilot hums and takes you towards it, the Moonchild wobbling as you get closer. You, on the other hand, don't focus on the landing. Jimin's more important. So, you head onto the bridge and approach the Captain. You'll admit that you're slightly angry that he cut you off, but at the same time, you understand. You were out of line. He may be your father, but this is Jimin's crew. Jimin accepted that. Although everything is going fast, you need to accept it too. It's no longer you alone on Ganymede. You're with people. Good people.

You don't say anything, you only go to him as the others crowd the cockpit, whispering about what just happened. Jimin stands in front of a table, peering down at the controls but not touching them. He seems deep in thought. You gently place your hands on the surface and gaze down at the controls as well, thinking over everything that happened.

Only a few minutes ago you were laughing and happy. You were curled up against Jimin, smiling and kissing. The two of you even had sex for the first time together. You're amazed at how this day has gone. It goes from so much fun to this. Your father appearing out of no where isn't exactly something you're happy about, but hearing his voice again? It gave you a surprising comfort. He's awful to you and you know that, but something about it calmed you for a moment. Regardless, you wish you had a normal father. A normal life.

"You should have taken the deal," you mumble.

He snaps his eyes over to you, his pupils expanding. "Why?"

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now