Bartender Girl | S.S.

Start from the beginning

"Cool." You smiled.


You turned to see your boss walk up to you with a mop and a bucket.

"If you got time to lean, you got time to clean. Someone threw up in the girls bathroom." He handed you the mop and bucket. "Have fun, kid." He patted you on the shoulder and left.

You sighed as you watched him leave. You heard Sadie laughing at you causing you to glare at her.

"I hate my job." You mumbled as you started to walk away.

"Have fun, kid!" She called after you.

You looked at her and she winked at you. In return you flipped her off.


After cleaning up some random girls puke, you returned back to the bar and sure enough, Sadie was still sitting there. You sighed as you walked up to her. All she did was smirk at you.

"Not another word, Sink."

She held her hands up in defense. "I wasn't gonna say anything."

"Good." You took out a rag and started to clean the counter.


2 hours later your shift was finally over.

"All right. I just clocked out." You told Sadie.

"Great! Let's go!" She took your hand and pulled you over the counter.

"Alright, alright. Slow down." You laughed as she dragged you out of the bar.

"Where's your car?" She asked.

"Over there." You pointed to your car. "Where's yours?"

"I ubered here." She told you as she pulled you over to your car.

You both got in your car and you drove to your house. Once you pulled into your driveway, you turned off your car and turned to Sadie.

"Before we go in I just wanna apologize in advance for my sisters behavior. She like... loves you." You warned her.

Sadie rolled her eyes. "It's fine. I don't mind."

You both got out of your car and went up to the front door. You opened the door and let Sadie in first. As soon as you stepped inside you heard a gasp. You turned to see your sister staring at Sadie with her jaw dropped.

"y/n, is that Sadie Sink?" Your sister asked.

"No, it's fucking Albert Einstein." You sarcastically said as Sadie laughed.

"Hi, y/n." Your mom greeted as she walked over to you. "Who's your friend?"

"This is Sadie. I met her at the bar." You introduced as Sadie waved to your mom.

Your mom gasped in realization. "Oh, is this that Sadie Sink girl you never stop talking about?"

You went wide eyed. "Mom!"

"What?" Your mom asked before looking at Sadie. "All I hear is Sadie this, Sadie that."

"Okay! We're gonna go upstairs now!" You interrupted as you dragged Sadie to your bedroom.

Sadie smirked as she entered your bedroom. "I thought you didn't like me that much?"

"I don't. She confused me with my sister." You quickly came up with an excuse.

"Right." Sadie said as she sat on your bed.

You handed her your TV remote. "Here. Find something to watch."

You went over to your closet as she took the remote and opened up Netflix, immediately seeing Stranger Things on your continue watching page.

"What's this?" She smirked.

You turned and looked at TV. You went wide eyed as you saw what was she was looking at.

"I- Uh..."

"You're on season 4 episode episode 6!" She called you out. "Y/n, you dirty liar!"

"Alright fine. You caught me. I've seen the show." You confessed as you sat down next to Sadie on the bed.

She looked at you with a smug grin.

"Don't look at me like that." You said as you looked away from her.

She turned your chin so that you were looking in her eyes.

"Why'd you lie?" Sadie asked.

"Because you were already so cocky I didn't wanna boost your ego anymore." You honestly said.

"Too late for that. My ego is boosted." She said.

"Yeah, I know." You replied.

As you stared into her eyes you studied her face. The way her freckles perfectly painted her face. The way her hair perfectly fell on her shoulders. Her blue eyes that were easy to get lost in. You couldn't hide your feelings anymore. You leaned in and crashed your lips against hers. It took her a few seconds but she eventually kissed back.

"Have mercy." You breathed out as you pulled away.

She laughed and playfully hit your shoulder. "Don't be a dork."

She picked up your TV remote and resumed the episode of Stranger Things that you were on.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

"Putting on Stranger Things. I wanna be here for your live reaction." She smiled.

"But you don't know what's happening." You furrowed your eyebrows.

She pointed to herself on the TV. "y/n, I lived it."

Your face turned red from embarrassment. "Right."

She laughed. "Idiot."


You looked at the TV in shock with tears in your eyes as the last episode of the season finished. You could hear Sadie laughing from next to you.

"y/n, you okay?" She asked.

You looked at her, not even minding the fact that she was recording you. "How could they do this? How could you let them?"

"y/n, it's okay." She laughed.

"It's not okay!" You sobbed. "You died."

"I'm right here." Sadie said.

"You know what I mean!" You moved her phone away. "Stop recording my mental breakdown!"

She laughed as she put her phone down.

"Do you have the script for season 5 episode 1?" You frantically asked.

"I do." She said.

"Can I please have it?" You begged.

"Mmm. No." She smirked.

"Please!" You pleaded.

"No! You have to wait like everyone else on this Earth." She told you.

You crossed your arms and turned away from her. "I hate you."

She laughed and picked her phone back up. "What's your instagram?"

You sniffled. "y/n_l/n, why?"

She didn't answer. You picked up your phone as it dinged. You looked at the two notifications that appeared on your phone.

sadiesink_ started following you back
sadiesink_ mentioned you in their story

You skeptically opened up Instagram and looked at her story. It was the video of you crying over Max's death scene. The words "when your favorite character dies" was written on the video. You looked at Sadie to see that she was already looking at you with a smirk.

"Sadie!" You yelled.

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