Chapter 34

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Jaanvi's POV

I am lying on my bed as I tierd dancing. I am just sweating like anything right now.

God this is so much fun.

I stand out in my balcony and saw the society people. I sometimes feel like walking in the society ground but kids play cricket sometimes Football. Even I feel like playing with them.

I saw A small kid like 3 years old running around in the ground and his mother is running slowly to catch him. I smile.

We usually go to the park which is few steps away as you all know but I really want to walk in here.

Maybe today I should go but the gaze which these aunty have on me when I walk out of the house. God I literally feel like speaking about it on their face that they are making me feel uncomfortable.

Okay leave them the way they are !

I saw the boys coming with basketball in their hands.

No way. Even I want to play Basket ball.

I quickly wear a long shirt and comfortable slacks and I run out "mummy ji I am going out" I shout and run out.

I saw the boys playing basketball. I go to them "Hey listen kids"

They all stopped playing and look at me.

They are of age 14-16 you can say.

"Yes di?" One of them asked

"Can I also play basketball ?" I asked

They look at each other "you know how to play?"

"Yes ! Infact I love it"

"But di, we are trained!"

"So what? I just want to play for fun not to win a competition!" I say and then they all agree.

We divide the team and we start the game. Soon I snatch the ball from a boy and move towards the basket.

I throw the ball and it slides right from the basket hole "Woohooo"

I look at the boy's shocked faces.

"What? I told you I love it. Now let's Continue" I said with a smile.

They all smile and we began playing.

Soon many of the neighbors were looking at the game...aa sorry at me !

After sometimes I asked the girls also to join but they said they don't know how to play, so I just teach them how to goal and dodge and the rest they will learn by playing the game.

I saw the some boy's got really happy. Oh I think some boy's have crush of girls.

I smile shooking my head.

We were all enjoying the game and all of them complimented me they way I played.

"Okay guys one last round then I will leave" i said and they all nod.

We start playing and we all were laughing as well. Some times the game used to get intense.

It was going to be the last goal but as I jumped to do the goal my leg twisted a bit and I fall on the ground.

"Ouch" I hold my arm.

As it was rough cement group, I got scratchs on my arm and blood was oozing lightly.

"Di are you okay?" The kids asked

"Yes yes I am fine" I said with a smile

I look at my arm and I heard "Jaanvi?" Yup it's Rohit

I gaze up at him. He looks at my arm.

A boy brought me water and I thank him.

Rohit bends down on his knees and looks at my arm "Are you crazy Jaanvi? What were you doing?" He asks frowning.

I drink water " I was playing basketball"

"But why were you not careful while playing it? Look you got hurt"

I smile "it's fine Rohit"

"How is it fine Jaanvi, look the blood is oozing out. Come let's go home I will dress your wound" He said and held my hand.

I felt butterflies. I got up holding his hand and saw the kids smiling at us. I blush.

Why does Rohit have to be so nice?

We got in and he made me sit.

Mom came and saw us "Jaanvi what happened?"

I told her everything.

Rohit runs to mummy ji and Papa ji's room and came back with first aid.

He sat beside me and began applying antiseptic "Ahh"

He blows air on it "is it paining now?" He asks and I shook my head

Mummy ji went in the kitchen smiling.

Here I am unable to control my smile. I look at his worried expressions which is melting my heart for him like anything.

"Why can't you take care of yourself Jaanvi? And why are you so clumsy at time?" he started scolding while wrapping the bandage around my arm.

He looks at me when he was done "why are you smiling? Look I am very at you.."

I grin and hug him tightly. I am just falling for him so hard.

"I am sorry. I will take care" I say closing my eyes

He wraps his hands around me "Please do, You always scare me"

My hands move over his back slowly. All the incidents are playing in my mind where Rohit has always been with me, be it's when my exam, Or the party, or when someone tried to come close to me, he has cheered me up when I was sad, He has made me feel so safe. He cares for me and what not.

I slowly move back and even he opens his eyes slowly.

I look into his eyes. His captivating Brown eyes. I cup with right cheek and caress it with thumb.

I am not falling for Rohit. I have already fallen for him. I have already fallen...In Love with him.

I smile and press my lips on his cheek for more than enough to be called just a peck.

"You are the best" I say and hug him again.

"I know"

"You are best only for me" I say with a grin and he chuckles.

Then We heard someone clearing his or her throat.

"Rohit Jaanvi" We heard Mummy ji.

We broke the hug immediately. She is smiling looking at us.

She keeps glass of juice in front of us.

"Mom woh" Rohit was trying to say something but couldn't say anything.

"No need to say anything. Drink the juice" She said and went and here I am blushing like anything.

I Don't even look at Rohit. I take the glass of my juice and stood up to leave as I am feeling very nervous after the sudden realisation of my love for him "I will just go and rest" I quickly run to my room and close the door.

I keep the glass on the table and Grin like anything.

I look at my blushing face in the mirror. "I Am in love with My Rohit"


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