Chapter 24

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Jaanvi's POV

I am eating guava right now which mummy ji is cutting for me.

"Jaanvi you took your medicine's?" Mummy ji asked

I nod looking at the TV

"Really?" She asked again

"Yes mummy ji"

"Rohit has told me to make you have them as your condition was so critical yesterday"

I look at her "it was not critical mummy ji....I just got unconscious" I eat the guava

"You were getting dizzy?"

"Well You can say that"

I got up and said "I would like to go and sit in the sun mummy ji, would you join?"

"Maybe later but I guess Rohit's Father is there"

I smile "no problem Today I will spend time with Papa ji"

I cut fruit's for him and take my books along with me to study.

I get on the terrace. As obvious papa ji heard the little inconvenience I created in his YouTube video by opening the door, he looks at me.

"Hello Papa ji" I say but he gaze back at his YouTube Video.

I sit beside him, on the floor.

"Papa ji fruit's" I said holding them in my hands.

He nods.

I pass an awkward smile "Oh Yeah, Sorry, I know you know they are fruit's but they are for you"

He paused the video and kept it down.

He took the fruit's from me "Thank you"

He said and a small smile formed upon my lips.

He began eating and said "Take some"

"No no papa ji it's fine"

"Have it, your health is not good. You fainted yesterday" He said and I look down.

"Jaanvi eat" He said strictly and I took one apple.

"You should eat healthy food ! See you have nothing in your body. If you will eat junk all the time then for sure you will faint everywhere" He said and I don't know but I am feeling happy that he is scolding me.

I control myself.

"Do you exercise?" He asked and I look at him



I shook my head

"Oh how would you when you wake up in the afternoon"

"No papa ji I wake up in the morning"


"11 AM"

He raised his brows

I grin sheepishly "still AM"

He just shooks his head and eat the fruits.

"Umm papa ji"


"What is your age?"

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