Chapter 4

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Rohit's POV

We are in a designing college in disguise as Aryan said someone told him that here we will find some clue.

"Rohit you search over there and I will search in here" he said and I nod.

I walk around the campus and I don't know about the murderer but damn the girls are so beautiful!

Then I saw a girl and thought of asking her help "Excuse me"

She is so pretty "yes?" She smiles

"Hi I am Ron. I am looking for administration office could you please help me?" I asked sweetly

"Yes sure !"

She took me with her "by the way I am Priyanka ! First year in interior designing and you?"


"Your course?"

"Oh I" I laugh a bit "well, I am in first year only and I love making Jewellery designs for beautiful People like you"

She blushed and giggled "thank you"

I look around and read every classroom name. Where is the computer or control room?

"Here you go!" She said and I turn my attention to her

"Thank you so much Priyanka" I put forward my hand

She shook her hand with me "It was nice meeting you Ron"

"Same here"

"Bye !"

"Bye I hope we meet soon" I said and she laugh's "I hope too"

She left and I look around again. In such crowd where will I find a clue?

I search around and when I could find nothing , I walk to the food corner and called Aryan "hello?" He says

"Aryan I couldn't find anything"

"Nor did I, where are you?"

"Food corner, come here, I am hungry"



I sat on a bench waiting for him. Then I saw him coming with a girl, smiling like an idiot. I have seen her somewhere !

Then they began to shook hands and he is looking at her like he is watching a princess and not leaving her hand, smile plastered on his lips.

Hmmm interesting. My buddy likes someone.

When the girl leaves I go and stand behind him with a mischievous smile.

I say "who was that girl" he turns around

"Aaaa Student of this college"

I raised my brows as his stupid smartness "ohh wow"

He rolled his eyes "let's eat food"

We sat on a table and he began to behind me. I turned around and saw the same girl.

"Her name?" I ask


"She is cute right?"

He smile "very much" and I chuckled

"shut up and concentrate on food or the work"

"Okay, as you say sir" i said controlling my laugh.

I was enjoying my food when he asked suddenly
"Who is he?"

I found him glaring at someone and so I said "Concentrate on food or Work Arun"

He throws french fries on me "keep your mouth shut"

Cuffed suddenly in LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant