The return.

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I hadn't worn this kit in just over 2 years, seeing the Barcelona crest on my chest again after so long made me realise that this is my home. The last 2 years in England had been an amazing experience, but now I am home.

As I pulled into the car park of the Barcelona training center, my heart was racing. I was excited. Excited to finally sign my new contract, excited to continue my journey at this amazing club and excited to see my friends again after so long away. There was only one thing I was nervous about... or should I say one person.

My arrival was currently a secret, both Manchester united and Barcelona deciding to keep the transfer quiet until the contract was signed. Nobody knew that I was coming home. I was told to arrive at the training center early in the morning so that I could get all of the paperwork signed and the media duties completed before taking part in today's training session.

I got out of my car, collected by bag from the back seat and made my way to the main entrance. As I walked into the building I was greeted by Jonatan. "Hola Isabel, it's so good to see you again" He said as he patted me on the back, leading me towards his office. Once in his office and safe behind the closed door, we started with the official stuff. I was buried in paperwork that needed reading and signing, while I did that Jonatan spoke to me about my arrival and his plans for me.

"I know that you left to get more game time, and I totally understand why. I admire it actually. You went away, played more games, had a completely different experience in a new league and have improved so much. You aren't just going to be a squad player her now Isa, you are going to be playing as much as possible. You've grown into an amazing player and I am so happy to have you back." He smiled at me from across the desk.

"I'm happy to be back" I returned his smile.

Now that all of the paperwork was signed it was time for the obligatory media duties that came with any new signing. An interview with Barca Tv and photographs in the team kit. Jonatan lead me to the media room at the other end of the building, where I was greeted by the media team.

The Barca Tv interview didn't take too long as I didn't really need introducing to the fans, afterall I had spent 5 years here already. We spoke about how I had developed in my time away from the club and how I was feeling about being back at the team I loved. The thing that took the longest was the my having my photos taken, the photographers wanted so many poses in each of 3 kits and it seemed to take and age.

Finally, it was time. United and Barca had already announced the move and now the only thing left for me to do was announce it myself.

 United and Barca had already announced the move and now the only thing left for me to do was announce it myself

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Liked by fcbfemeni and 12,732 others
isa.martinez es bueno estar en casa // it's good to be home.

It was real now, the last week or so had been crazy with sorting out this transfer and moving back to Barcelona, but it had all been worth it. I was home.

Now that all of the formalities had been completed and I was officially a Barcelona player again, I headed to the locker room. It was almost time for training. I found my locker, locker number 5, the same one as I had last time I was here. Mapi's on my left and Pina's on my right. I sat down on the bench, pulled out my phone for the first time since posting and began scrolling through the comments on my post.

marialeonn16 - ¿QUÉ? 🤯

ona.batlle - miss you already 🥺

fcbfemeni - ❤️🏠💙

claudiaapina - mi chica 🤩

The first player to arrive for training was Ingrid. She smiled at me brightly "Prepare yourself..."

She was quickly nudged to the side by Mapi who ran past her and launched herself at me, knocking my phone out of my hands in the process.

"ISAAA!!! Ay dios mio!!" she squealed, squeezing me tightly around the shoulders.

"Mapi, let her breathe!" Ingrid joked at her girlfriend.

After Mapi loosened her grip she placed a kiss on my forehead. "It's good to have you back chica"

"It's good to be back" I smiled at her before pushing her off of me so that I could greet Ingrid properly.

The rest of the team began to slowly filter into the room, all of them shocked by my sudden arrival. Mapi barely left my, following me around as I chatted to the other girls. After briefly catching up with everybody, it was time to head out to the training pitch, but there was one person I hadn't seen yet. The one person I was nervous about seeing. I looked around the locker room for one last time, just to double check, but she definitely wasn't here. I was relieved, but also confused. Alexia never missed training... had she seen my post and decided not to come? Mapi must have noticed me looking at her untouched locker, as she soon re appeared by my side, wrapping her arm around me.

"She's got media today" She whispered, squeezing my shoulder gently.

I looked at Mapi, pressing my lips into a flat line and gently nodded.

"Come on let's go, you can't be late for training on your first day back!" Mapi said as she pulled me towards the pitches.

Once training had finished, I sat down on the grass to catch my breath. I had got used to the cold, wet weather in Manchester and the humid Barcelona air had taken its toll. By the time that I had recovered, the rest of the team had began to make their way back inside. I stood up a slowly followed them.

After showering and getting changed, I was ready to head home. I started walking out of the building with Mapi and Ingrid.

"Let's go out for dinner tonight so we can catch up properly?" Ingrid suggested.

"Yeah! We'll get some of the other girls to come too! think of it as a welcome home party?" Mapi pleaded, looking at me desperately.

"Ale is busy tonight so she won't be there" Mapi spoke quietly, sensing my nerves about spending the evening with her.

"Ok, let's do it" I agreed.

"We'll see you later!" Mapi and Ingrid shouted at me across the car park as we made our way to our own cars

I unlocked my car, threw my bag onto the back seat and walked around to the drivers side. As I reached for the handle to open the door I heard an all too familiar laugh. I looked up and saw Ale laughing with Aitana. Aitana waved at me from across the carpark causing Alexia to look in my direction... our eyes meeting briefly, before I climbed into the car and pulled away as quickly as I could.

My heart felt like it had fallen out of my chest. I hadn't seen those eyes in so long...

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