Chapter 30

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Bree’s POV

A few days has passed since the day off the guys had in Scotland. They gave their other concert there and the next day we came back to London. I must say, the boys surprise me even more each day that passes. Their performances are always amazing and I love how they give everything they have to the very dedicated fans that they have.

Right now they were getting for their second show here in London and then we were going to Cardiff. I’m pretty excited actually. Each day I get to know a new place and I love it since traveling around the world was one of my dreams.

The boys hadn’t had any other day off, but they weren’t complaining. They were doing what they loved anyways and they always had a laugh on stage, but I’m guessing their next day off was coming soon. Every time we could, we would do something together and it didn’t matter if we were just sitting there and talking. It was always a laugh. Niall and I tried to spend some alone time together, but right now it’s kind of hard because he’s been busy lately doing interviews and sound checks. We always try though, and it doesn’t matter if it’s just a few minutes that we can be alone, I’m just glad that we are together. I’m sure that we will find more alone time together in the near future.

We were in the green room, and the boys were warming up, and I don’t mean their voices. They were literally doing exercise, and it all started because of Louis challenging Harry. It was fun watching them, actually. I couldn’t stop laughing at the silly things they did, but that’s what made them special, I guess. As they continue with their challenges, I get on facebook and check some notifications from my friends. After replying to some stuff, I get on Twitter. Harry was right, this thing was addicting, but mostly because I cared what people had to say about me, which is not a good thing. Luckily, the mentions that I have at the moment are nice ones, so I decided to reply to a few of them. Most of them were questions like: What’s your favorite movie? Who’s your favorite singer? And so on. But there was one that caught my attention and took me by surprise.

@IvetteTommo: Are you dating one of the boys? :) xx

I kept on starring at the tweet, wondering if I should answer it or not. Now that I think about it, Niall and I haven’t discussed if we should go public or not. I mean, I haven’t said anything and I’m already getting hate, I don’t even want to know what people might say if they found out that I am Niall Horan’s girlfriend, but I guess I have to talk to him to see what he thinks. After all, we are a couple and I don’t want to make the decision of this. What if he wants to go public? I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t though.

“Hey, what are you thinking about?” A voice interrupts me. I quickly get out of the Twitter app and turn to look at the boys who is by my side. I smile when I see its Niall.

“Nothing,” I say.

“Liar,” He says, narrowing his eyes.

“It’s nothing,” I insist. “I mean, it’s something, but we can discuss it later.”

He frowns, confused. “What is it?” I just look back at my phone and go to Twitter, showing him the tweet that I read before. He reads it, and I’m confused as a big smile form on his lips. “Do you want to answer her?” He asks.

I shrug. “Do you want me to?”

“Ok guys, it’s time to go on stage,” Uncle Paul interrupts us. All of the boys take one last look in the mirror, checking everything is fine, except for Niall, who lets me inspect him.

“How do I look?” He asks.

I smile and lean in, planting a soft, quick kiss on his lips. “Perfect,” I reply.

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